Read This Book — Writing Inventions: Identities, Technologies, Pedagogies

Writing Inventions: Identities, Technologies, PedagogiesAll too often, computers in the classroom are treated like typewriters or filing cabinets -- just a convenient place to type and store information. For teachers and students interested in creating better classrooms by engaging with technology in a deeper way, Writing Inventions: Identities, Technologies, Pedagogies by Scott Lloyd DeWitt is a must-read. In this book, Dewitt details why -- and how -- to use the web to transform learning.

3 Exciting Environmentally-Friendly Cars of the (Near) Future

What Will They Think of Next? Photo by Accretion Disc, flickr. Automotive technology is rapidly changing, and who hasn't looked around at the cars on the streets and wondered: what will they think of next? Of course, the wish is that the next generation of cars will be fuel-efficient, low emissions, and fun to drive. Here are a few environmentally friendly cars of the near future that just might fit those parameters.

Stay Warm This Winter With A Geothermal Heat Pump For Your Home

Houses in Winter. Photo courtesy of UIC Digital Collections.Geothermal heat pumps are a cost- and energy-efficient way to stay warm during the long, cold months of winter. They have been around since the late 1940s, but as the technology gets better and the prices continue to fall, they have recently become more popular for home use. Today, about 80,000 geothermal heat pumps are installed per year in the United States.  Here's how geothermal heat pumps work -- and how you can get one for your home.

Innovators Gather In Abu Dhabi To Address Sustainability

Abu Dhabi Skyline. Photo by FitzDaCat.In what will be the largest gathering on sustainability ever to be held in the Middle East, innovators from many sectors will gather in Abu Dhabi on January 18 - 25. Abu Dabai Sustainability Week features the World Future Energy Summit and brings together leaders from the worlds of politics, science, business, and academia to discuss and address the energy challenges of the future. Read on to learn more about the event.

New Collision-Avoidance Technology Helps Save Humanitarian Workers

UNICEF pallets containing humanitarian aidA lot of good can be done with humanitarian aid, but transporting people and supplies around the world has major logistics problems. Road accidents are a leading cause of death among humanitarian workers. Now, an innovative developer of collision-avoidance technology is teaming up with a group of safety-conscious businesses and charities to help preserve the lives of aid workers -- and expand the reach of humanitarian organizations worldwide.

New Aluminum-Air Battery Makes Electric Cars Worry-Free

Electric car charging its battery. Photo by Ludovic Hirlimann.There are plenty of electric cars on the market today, but most of us are still driving the traditional gas-guzzlers. Why? Lack of recharging infastructure and so-called "range-anxiety" are two primary reasons for dismal electric car usage right now, but the future is coming. A new battery for electric cars may solve both problems and usher in a new age of worry-free transportation.

5 Innovative Companies Changing The Course Of Education

Coursera co-founder Daphne Koller. Photo by Dawn Endico.Nelson Mandela once said, "Education is the most powerful weapon you can use to change the world." From Coursera offering first-rate college courses free of charge, to OpenStudy bringing together study buddies across the world, to Irynsoft bringing school to the palm of your hand, here are some innovative companies seeking to change the world by equalizing educational access.

Artificial Intelligence Programs To Help Schools Teach Kids Writing

Grading an essay. Photo by Seth Sawyers.The artificial intelligence of machines is now being used to build real intelligence in human students, especially when it comes to developing writing skills. Three innovative software programs designed to support classroom writing instruction have been selected for nationwide classroom trials this fall. These programs give students instant feedback on their essays, helping them learn to write more effective prose.

10 Innovative Mobility Aids For When You’re Injured, Disabled, Or Just Plain Creaky

10 Great Mobility AidsInjuries are an unforunate fact of life. Anyone can twist an ankle or pull a back muscle, and of course everyone gets older and creakier, but life does not slow down just because you do. There are a number of great products out there to help you get up, down, and around, so you can keep living it to its fullest. Here are ten great mobility aids that can help you get moving:

MedXCom Smartphone App Provides Secure Medical Record Access for Doctors, Patients, And Daters

MedXCom smartphone appMedXCom is a new smartphone app that is changing the way doctors and patients interact by providing a central place for  medical records and a secure way to exchange information, but that's not all. The benefits of this little app extend well beyond the doctor's office and into the singles bar.