Bandsintown helps musicians make money with Twitch concerts

Bandsintown wants to help musicians pull in money during the COVID-19 pandemic in addition to promoting their shows. The discovery service is giving artists free, "fast-tracked" access to Twitch's monetization systems to help them generate money fro...

Bandsintown will help artists promote livestreams

As musicians cancel concerts due to the coronavirus, bands like the Dropkick Murphys are turning to livestreams as a way to connect with fans and potentially recoup some of the money they're losing. Today, the concert-discovery app Bandsintown announ...

Snapchat lets third-party apps use its AR camera, Bitmoji and more

Snap is bringing the walls of its closed gardens tumbling down, as it's opened up a rumored developer platform to let third-party creators use Snapchat features in other apps, and bring their own tools to Snapchat. Off the bat, that means you'll star...