Google Fi temporarily increases data limits to 30GB per month

Like the major telecom providers, Google recognizes that people are spending more time on their phones during the coronavirus pandemic. To help meet that demand, Google Fi is doubling the data its customers can use before they are downgraded to 2G sp...

Google Fi temporarily increases data limits to 30GB per month

Like the major telecom providers, Google recognizes that people are spending more time on their phones during the coronavirus pandemic. To help meet that demand, Google Fi is doubling the data its customers can use before they are downgraded to 2G sp...

Spotify’s Premium Family plans get an explicit content filter

Spotify is rolling out a new Premium Family Plan with a much-awaited setting. Parents will now have the ability to filter out songs with swearing, violence, drugs and more via an explicit content filter that can be applied to individual accounts. Tha...

Sorry, MasterCard’s free trial protection only applies to physical goods

Yesterday, MasterCard announced a new feature that would protect its customers from the automatic billing that kicks in after a free trial. The policy will require merchants to notify users about the end of the free trial, the cost of continuing with...

Apple could lower its cut of subscription fees on video apps

Earlier this year Apple sweetened the split with iOS developers on subscriptions, by promising to halve its usual 30 percent cut -- once a user has been signed up for a year. Now, Bloomberg reports rumors that the company will move to an 85/15 split...