Master the Machine Learning and Data Tools That Can Change Your Career or Company

Looking for a change to your career path? Want to improve your workflow or that of your company? You can do all that by learning some modern data tools and techniques that are changing corporate environments all over the world. The Machine Learning and Data Science eBook and Course Bundle can be yours for only $46 (USD).

In this bundle, you’ll learn about widely used software and applications that are improving businesses’ efficiency and effectiveness today. Ansible, for example, is an open source automation platform. Learn how to use it, and you can automate tasks, deploy complete cloud environments, and a lot more. Python is widely considered one of the most versatile and important programming languages, and you’ll learn how to use it to run machine learning algorithms, statistical modeling, and data mining applications.

Increase your skill set and give your career a boost. The Machine Learning and Data Science eBook and Course Bundle will show you the way for only $46 in the Technabob Shop.