Hillary Clinton’s mobile game lets you run your own campaign

The Democratic National Convention opens today in Philadelphia and there has been some serious inner-DNC turmoil the past few days involving a ton of leaked emails. WikiLeaks published messages that show party officials rallying up against Bernie San...

Bernie Sanders Announces New Thoughts on Iran Deal

Bernie Sanders, who just recently said that he did not support the nuclear deal with Iran, may be changing his tune. The Vermont Senator told John Dickerson on CBS News' "Face the Nation" that the U....

President Barack Obama to safeguard Immigrant Rights as per Policy

President Obama threw the gauntlet to Republicans to just dare and try to declare his immigration policies null and void. He swore that he would veto such an act without a second thought. All this...

Wendy Davis and the Battleground for Texas

Recently, Texas has faced some pretty tough criticism on women's issues. And gubernatorial candidate Wendy Davis is looking to change that. While the conservative media has been proclaiming a...

Kay Hagan’s Surprising Strength emerges

If we talk about one state where expectations are being defied by the democrats then its North Carolina and not to forget the role of the Republicans which seems more like they should be kicking...

Gov. Rick Perry indicted on abuse of power felony

Friday was not a good day for Texas Governor Rick Perry. The Republican politician's been indicted on two felony counts of abuse of office and threat of vet, as well as withholding money in order to...

Minimum Wage Hike Shunted by Republicans

A vote was conducted regarding whether the minimum wages should be increased from $7.25 to $10.10 per hourly basis. The senate was locked on this moot point. The fact is that it may be a ploy by...

Michigan Minimum Wage Increase is a Part of Obama’s Agenda

In spite of the obstructionist actions of the Republicans, who cannot agree on anything with the opposing Democrats, the United States is moving towards greater progressiveness. The president...

Michigan Minimum Wage Increase is a Part of Obama’s Agenda

In spite of the obstructionist actions of the Republicans, who cannot agree on anything with the opposing Democrats, the United States is moving towards greater progressiveness. The president...