The Hulk Fist Nightlight is Incredible

Hulk Night Light


Isn’t this the awesomest night light ever? Hulk smash your fears of the dark and the boogie man and everything in between with the Hulk nightlight. It’s in the shape of Hulk’s fist, which, as you can expect, is quite massive, measuring 5 by 5 by 6.5 inches. It comes with a sticker that gives the illusion of a cracked wall, which you’re supposed to stick on the surface before mounting the it.

The Hulk fist nightlight is battery-powered and emits a soft, almost eerie green glow so you can avoid bumping into stuff and falling over when you’re heading to the bathroom or down the stairs for a midnight snack or whatever. It’s available online for $49.

[ Product Page ] VIA [ This Is Why I'm Broke ]

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Giant Inflatable Robot Fists, Hells Yeah.

If you didn’t already pick up that giant fist for carrying around your beer, you might want to hold off and buy these instead. These giant, inflatable fists turn your mitts into massive mech-like robo-fists.

giant robot battle fists

The Giant Robot Battle Fists are perfect for taking down all who dare to stand in your way – without actually leaving them with a concussion. Actually, ThinkGeek says that if you punch things with them, you might pop ‘em, so boo, hiss. Still they’re pretty awesome for your Halloween costume. Just think – you can go as crazy-robot-hand-guy again, but this time people will know who you are.

A pair of this oversize blow-up fists will set you back $35(USD) over at ThinkGeek. Air and pursed lips not included.