Hitting the Books: Elon Musk and the quest to build a better rocket engine

Putting people safely into orbit is no small feat, especially without the seemingly limitless R&D budgets afforded to national space programs. However that has done little to dissuade a new generation of the private spaceflight companies from loo...

Hitting the Books: The Brooksian revolution that led to rational robots

We are living through an AI renaissance thought wholly unimaginable just a few decades ago — automobiles are becoming increasingly autonomous, machine learning systems can craft prose nearly as well as human poets, and almost every smartphone on the...

Hitting the Books: Why Travis Kalanick got Uber into the self-driving car game

If you thought rocket science was hard, try training a computer to safely change lanes while behind the wheel of a full-size SUV in heavy drivetime traffic. Autonomous vehicle developers have faced myriad similar challenged over the past three decade...

Hitting the Books: Kenya’s digital divide is hampering its mobile money revolution

While mobile money apps have been slow to gain acceptance in the US, they’ve taken other nations like Sweden, China and especially Kenya by storm, enabling people for whom conventional banking has remained out of reach new ways to send, receive and i...

Hitting the Books: The continuing controversies surrounding e-cig safety

Though more than a billion people worldwide still smoke cigarettes, folks who are looking to kick the habit have an ever-widening wide array of modern assistive techniques and technologies at their disposal. However, among the talk therapies and tran...

Hitting the Books: AI doctors and the dangers tiered medical care

Healthcare is a human right, however, nobody said all coverage is created equal. Artificial intelligence and machine learning systems are already making impressive inroads into the myriad fields of medicine — from IBM’s Watson: Hospital Edition and A...

Hitting the Books: Smaller cameras and projectors helped the Allies win WWII

Modern cameras exist in high definition ubiquity — they’re in our laptops and phones; strapped onto our helmets and dangling from our drones — heck, you’d be hard pressed to find someone on the street without a video capture-capable device in their p...