ADHD can Occur Due to Acetaminophen Intake

When females in developed nations feel the onset of fever or pain during pregnancy they often take acetaminophen. This medication is often sold as the popular brand known as Tylenol and contains...

New painkiller ‘Zohydro’ raises more questions than answers

A consortium of health professionals, law enforcement officials, and addiction specialists is calling on the Food and Drug Administration to stop a new drug called Zohydro due its risks.Zohydro, a...

CVS Educates on Acetaminophen Safety

After I read online yesterday about CVS announcing plans to stop selling tobacco products in their retail outlets, I moseyed up the driveway to fetch the mail I neglected to bring in the night before...

Acetaminophen Warning

It was only recently that some of the dire consequences of taking overdoses of OTC drugs were examined by the FDA. In particular, acetaminophen which is found in such over the counter medicines as...

FDA says acetaminophen doses over 325 mg causes liver damage

Medicines are a gift to the world. But take too much of it, and it will backfire.It has been hotly debated that taking unmonitored doses of over-the-counter (OTC) drugs can cause harmful side effects...

Why Too Much Acetaminophen Can Lead To Liver Damage

The FDA has just issued a statement urging doctors not to prescribe acetaminophen in doses higher than 325 mg. Liver damage has been a known risk of the drug for many years, with even low doses...

Hydrocodone Dispensation being Limited by FDA

In what looked to be a radical step in the right direction, the FDA has finally decided to severely curtail the sale of hydrocodone painkillers. The addiction that this drug causes is in the same...