AMD and Raptr create PC gaming suite to tweak settings, dole out prizes and stream over Twitch

DNP AMD and Raptr launch PC gaming tuneup app with Twitch streaming, rewards system

Hate mucking around in PC game graphics menus? NVIDIA's got an app for that -- and now, AMD does too. The chipmaker has teamed up with Raptr, a video game-focused social network, to launch Gaming Evolved: a suite that offers tools for chat, takes screenshots and even tweaks game settings for better performance. Unlike Nvidia's kit however, Gaming Evolved relies heavily on Raptr's community data to determine the best configuration for your PC. Naturally, the social network's rewards system is in play, offering users beta access to select games or free DLC for using the service, too. You can also stream via Twitch, and even simultaneously watch someone else's broadcast while you play DayZ. The company says the program is designed to "make PC gaming as simple to use as consoles," but the beta build that's available now plays more like Steam than a living room device.

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Source: Raptr