Intel-powered camera uses AI to protect endangered African wildlife

Technology is already in use to help stop poachers. However, it's frequently limited to monitoring poachers when they're already in shooting range, or after the fact. The non-profit group Resolve vows to do better -- it recently developed a newer ver...

Technology is failing to create transparent supply chains

During the early days of globalization, it was relatively easy for corporations to either hide, or be ignorant of, human rights and environmental atrocities committed along their supply chain. Factories and producers were shifting manufacturing or so...

America’s Next Great Prescription

Scientists have made a discovery that is proven to reduce premature death from heart attacks and stroke, lower the risk of diabetes and certain cancers, control blood pressure, prevent osteoporosis,...

Apple agrees to refund $32.5M for kids’ purchases

Apple to refund $32.5M to parents who say they unwittingly OK'd purchases during kids' games WASHINGTON (AP) — Plenty of parents have been there — handing over the iPhone or iPad to a...

Making Sense Of Zappos And Holacracy

“Zappos Says Goodbye To Bosses,” was the recent headline in the Washington Post. “Zappos is going holacratic: no job titles, no managers, no hierarchy,” wrote Aimee Groth in Quartz. “Gurus Gone Wild...

EU ups pressure on Google in antitrust case

EU antitrust authority chief increases pressure on Google to present better proposals BRUSSELS (AP) — The European Union's antitrust watchdog is increasing pressure on Google to swiftly...

Legal Issues Will Remain A Hot Topic For Fantasy Sports In 2014

One of the topics on the agenda is a legal update. Here are some of the legal issues the fantasy sports industry will need to consider in 2014: 1. Many, but not all, traditional forms of fantasy...

Dealing With Difficult Social Media Followers

Businesses today can’t avoid creating a social media presence. Generally, sites like Twitter and Facebook provide organizations a great opportunity to interact with their loyal customers, as well as...

What 2013 Teaches Employers For 2014 & Beyond

By Gene Connors and Amanda Haverstick 2013 left employees as the overall victors on the employment law battlefield, by arming them with a host of new statutory rights and options, primarily at the...

Tron The Move – Huawei Announces Android-Powered Tron Games Console

Well, what a bombshell. No sooner has the Chinese government announced a relaxation of its ban on games consoles, than Huawei – the preeminent Chinese manufacturer of telecoms equipment – revealed...