The Philips SmartSleep Anti-Snoring Band nudges you to sleep on your side

Snoring is, in its most basic sense, an abnormality that blocks clear breathing while you’re asleep. Whether it’s caused by fatty tissues around the neck, by sinuses, by an irregular palate, or even your tongue, snoring occurs in a majority of people for various reasons… and more than being an inconvenience, snoring can increase the risk of having a stroke or heart attack in your sleep, because anything prompting you to snore is essentially obstructing your breathing and causing lesser oxygen to to be delivered to your body.

One major reason for snoring is that when you sleep on your back, your tongue tends to fall backwards due to gravity and block the air passage at the oral pharynx. The simple solution to that problem is to sleep on your side, so your tongue doesn’t slide backwards and obstruct the air path. The Philips SmartSleep Anti-Snoring Band, debuted at the IFA Press-Conference this year, prompts you, through gentle vibrations, to sleep on your side. Strapped around your waist, the band has the ability to sense when you’re supine, or on your back, and coaxes you to sleep on your side by delivering soft vibrations that get you to adjust your position in your sleep without waking you up. The band optimizes patterns based on your sleep intensity to determine the best way to subconsciously alert you and machine learning even determines the most optimal time to give you the nudge. The result? A quieter night of sleep for you as well as your partner, and easier and healthier breathing for you.

Designer: Philips

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Nora Promises A New Approach To The Problem Of Loud Snoring


There are many products on the market to help you curb your snoring ways. They range from nostril widening strips, to shock therapy machines, to an entire cornucopia of nasal creativity in between. Nora, a Kickstarter project, hopes to help you out in a relatively novel manner.

Nora is sleek pebble-shaped device that sits on the bedside table and listens for snoring sounds. Once it detects the sound, Nora stops the snoring by slightly moving your head through a padded pillow insert that sits under your pillow.

In order to move your head it uses a small pump placed in a case that goes beside your bed; the pump gently inflates the bladder, which in turn causes you to move your head without waking up, making you tighten your relaxed throat muscles and stopping your snores. The setup allows you to use any pillow you want, is completely silent, and even comes with a companion app that tracks how well you slept, and how much you snored. To get one, you’ll have to pledge $179 to the company’s Kickstarter, and expect to receive your product in May 2016.



[ Project Page ] VIA [ Gizmag ]

This Wristband Can Help You Stop Snoring


Keeping your neighbours awake with your late night nasal concertos? The market is flooded with a myriad of products who claim to be able to help you, and the Goodbye Ibiki-kun EB-RM1810 is yet another one. This Japanese wristband can hear you snoring, and if you do so more than 3 times in one night, will generate a small electric current that should in theory prompt you to switch positions without waking you up. Often just turning to your side can help stop the snoring, so this could actually work. That said, it’s also not something you couldn’t achieve with a simple smartphone application, and you wouldn’t have to pay 7,980 yen (roughly $78) for it.

VIA [ Akihabara News ]

The post This Wristband Can Help You Stop Snoring appeared first on OhGizmo!.

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This Pillow Nudges Your Snoring Spouse, So You Don’t Have To


Ever spent hours wide awake staring at the ceiling, at 3 in the morning, wondering how you could have married this earthquake-inducing snore machine? Only to finally nudge them in the hopes that a change in position will calm the noise? Yeah, well with this Snore Activated Nudging Pillow, you don’t have to do a thing. A microphone will pick up the snoring and the internal mechanism will slowly inflate an air bladder, with the hopes that the changing shape will prompt the sleeper to move a bit. The microphone’s sensitivity can be adjusted, as well as how much the bladder inflates.

It’s said to be comfortable, although even if it isn’t the Pillow From Heaven™, your ability to sleep is worth even a little bit of discomfort on the part of your spouse, isn’t it? Right. It’s $150.

[ Product Page ] VIA [ GadgetReview ]

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