E-cigarettes Are 95% Less Harmful than Smoking, UK Study Suggests

People who struggle to quit smoking may now have a better alternate in the form of e-cigarettes.A new UK study reveals that e-cigarette is 95 percent less harmful than smoking. Smokers can switch to...

10 Benefits of Quitting Smoking

Smoking is a curse of modern times. It is a scourge and a great menace to personal and public health. Every time the average smoker takes a puff or two of his cigarette, he not only endangers his...

Hawaii Officially Raises Smoking Age

Hawaii is the first state in the US to raise its smoking age to 21, a measure that was signed into law on Friday and will become effective January 1st. The law bans the sale of cigarettes and e-...

Quit Smoking To Avoid Third-Hand Smoke

Quit smoking is not an easy thing for regular smokers. But smoking had once been thought to cause cancer, heart disease and asthma in first-hand smokers. Then this trend spread to include second-hand...

Quit Smoking Using Tobacco Quit and Save App

Tobacco Quit and Save is a no-cost app for Android and iPhone gadgets. It is an absolutely wonderful device. Not only does it monitor the amount of days you have gone without a “cancer stick” but it...

Quit Smoking Before Third-Hand Smoke Destroys Your Kid’s Health

It is not an easy job for smokers to quit smoking. But smoking had once been thought to cause cancer, heart disease and asthma in first-hand smokers. Then this trend spread to include second-hand...

Quit Smoking If You Value Your Children’s Health

It has now been proved without a shadow of doubt that passive inhalation of cigarette smoke causes permanent damage to kids’ health. The second-hand smoke seriously messes up the young one’s arteries...

E-Cigarette Makers: Giving the Public the Finger

With Sarah Mittermaier and Lily Swartz In 1964, smoking was everywhere: on television, on airplanes, in workplaces and movie theatres, college campuses, doctors’ offices, restaurants and bars. In...

Quit Smoking But No with E-Cigarettes

E-cigarettes are supposed to be the way out of the dilemma of smoking nicotine-based products. However, the latest research proves otherwise. Youth who were smoking electronic cigarettes in a...