How a trivial cell phone hack is ruining lives

On a Tuesday night in May, Sean Coonce was reading the news in bed when his phone dropped service. He chalked it up to tech being tech and went to sleep. When he woke up, his Gmail account had been stolen and by Wednesday evening he was out $100,000.

Instagram’s app-based two-factor authentication is available now

Now might be a good time to add an extra layer of security to your Instagram account. As previewed in August, Instagram has switched on two-factor authentication using apps like Google Authenticator and Duo Mobile, promising a more secure sign-in pr...

Facebook’s two-factor ad practices give middle finger to infosec

We've all encountered security questions asking where we went to school, our favorite color or food, first concert and the ubiquitous "mother's maiden name." Imagine a world where on one screen you carefully chose Stanford, red, spaghetti, and so on,...

Ubisoft rewards two-factor use with free ‘Rainbow Six: Siege’ skin

Epic isn't the only one using the promise of free in-game fashion to promote healthier security. Ubisoft is rewarding account holders with a free Rainbow Six: Siege skin if they enable two-factor authentication. It's a somewhat complicated process (i...

Instagram displays more info to prove popular accounts are legit

Instagram is no stranger to fake accounts, and it's taking extra steps to ensure that you're not following fraudsters. It's rolling out an "About This Account" feature in the next few weeks that will show you details for users with large follower co...

Frontier Communications’ password bug lets anyone into your account

While you might feel more at ease knowing your personal information is protected by two-factor authentication, a bug in Frontier's password reset system is demonstrating that vulnerabilities can open your info up to exposure even when that extra leve...