Marie Antoinette’s Own Personal Helicopter…Sort Of


If Marie Antoinette was alive today, what do you think her helicopter would look like? Seriously, think about it for a minute. It would be the girliest thing you ever did see.

A question you never thought would ever cross your mind – if Marie Antoinette had a helicopter, would it ...
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A New Detachable Game Controller Out for IPhones


If you love the feel of buttons under your fingers when you play games, fear not, because a new detachable iPhone game controller is looking to offer just that!

If you walk down the street and just ask people what kind of cell phone they have, more than likely, they will ...
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Angry Birds Gets a New Pink Bird Added to the Game


Looks like Angry Birds is adding some estrogen to their extremely popular game. A new female bird is about to show that girls can kick some big green pig butt!

Who hasn’t played a game of Angry Birds at least once? Everyone knows the game and the objective of the game. ...
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Portable Shipping Container Hotel May Head to a City Near You


Need a place to stay? Snap your fingers and watch as a hotel is literally built right in front of you. You just have to get over the fact you are sleeping in a shipping container!

Sometimes it can be really difficult to find a hotel with available vacancy, especially if ...
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Man Plays Mario on the Piano While Facing BACKWARDS


If you can play the Mario Brothers theme on the piano, that is impressive, but, if you are like this guy, and can play it while sitting backwards, well, that’s AMAZING in my book.

When I was young, my mom made me suffer through piano lessons. To this day I have ...
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Unique Phone Booths Line the Streets of Sao Paulo


Next time you are in Sao Paulo in need of a phone, it is hard to miss any one of the one hundred uniquely designed phone booths, decorating the streets of the city.While payphones aren’t used anymore, because most people favor their cell phones, they are still necessary to have ...
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Virtual Shopping Provides a Stocked Fridge For When You Get Home


New virtual shop ensures that when you get home from your flight, there is already food in your fridge. It will make finding an excuse to order pizza a bit harder though.Whenever I get home from a long plane ride, the last thing I want to do is restock my ...
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Coming Soon: Your Favorite Video Games Turned To Movies


With popular comic book superheroes and novels coming to life in movies, it is only time before screen writers and directors look to another great medium – video games. We have the movie posters to prove it can work.It is not surprising that there are talks to bring some of ...
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Brooklyn Bridge Monster Long Lost Relative of the Montauk Monster?


Not for the faint of heart – new unidentified animal found under the Brooklyn Bridge posits the question of if it is related to 2008′s Montauk Monster. 

Not just any news story makes it from the United States to the United Kingdom. Often, it has to do with politics or important ...
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