How to adult at security

You're a grown-ass adult -- so stop using the same password for everything. Seriously, your cat's name followed by your birthday isn't fooling anybody. Don't be that guy (of any gender) who gets totally owned by ransomware. Pull up your big-person pa...

The Engadget Podcast Ep 33: Losing My Edge

Managing editor Dana Wollman and host Terrence O'Brien are joined by a new face on this week's episode: social media manager Evan Rodgers. They'll talk about Engadget's Adult Week -- a collection of articles about growing up in the digital age. Sure,...

Finding inner peace (with help from your smartphone)

Technology is draining. Social media networks are programmed to make you come back for more, constantly swiping to refresh, like and post. You are constantly at your PC, your smartphone, your TV. You fall asleep to Netflix, or reading Twitter as it s...

Welcome to Engadget’s Adult Week

None of us are in much of a rush to grow up. But, eventually, the day comes when you need to give up the slovenly ways of your college years and hard partying habits of your early 20s. It's time for you to become an adult. That means ditching the paj...