NASA smallsat concepts will study galaxy evolution and exoplanets

NASA has chosen to investigate more smallsat and balloon mission concepts for exploring the cosmos, and this time the goals are particularly ambitious. The first smallsat, Aspera, will study galaxy evolution by monitoring the ultraviolet light from h...

Scientists find a strange signal coming from our closest neighboring star

Astronomers have encountered a mystery surprisingly close to Earth. The Guardian and Scientific American have learned that Breakthrough Listen astronomers using the Parkes telescope in Australia discovered a strange radio signal coming from Proxima C...

Hitting the Books: Why we’ll never see the edge of the universe

Death comes for us all, even on the cosmological scale. Our universe started off with a bang, and a rather large one at that, but how it will end remains a mystery. Will entropic effects cause it to cool and sputter out like a guttering flame or will...

How to guesstimate the number of alien civilizations in a galaxy

The question of whether we are alone in the universe has plagued humanity since the dawn of time. It’s answer, one way or the other, could fundamentally alter our understanding of life, evolution, science, and even theology. Even the discovery of a s...