Microsoft helped disrupt the infamous Trickbot botnet

It’s not just the US government racing to disrupt the Trickbot botnet ahead of elections. Microsoft has revealed that it and multiple partners (including ESET, Lumen’s Black Lotus Labs, NTT, Symantec and FS-ISAC) have taken steps to disrupt Trickbot....

Microsoft disrupts a botnet that infected 9 million computers

Today, Microsoft and partners from 35 countries took steps to disrupt a botnet behind the world's largest cybercrime network. The botnet, Necurs, has infected an estimated nine million computers worldwide, and it's one of the largest spam email netwo...

Kelihos botnet operator pleads guilty to hacking and fraud charges

The Kelihos botnet story appears to be winding to a close. Russian Peter Levashov has pleaded guilty to charges relating his operation of the botnet, including intentional damage to a computer, wire fraud, conspiracy and identity theft. He reported...