A barber’s tips on keeping your quarantine mane in check

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Shailene Woodley: Watch Woodley Crying Over Haircut

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Single-Handed Barber: Edward Gadgethands

Forget shelling out good money to get a professional haircut. Real men cut their own hair and they prefer to do it with one hand tied behind their backs. The Single-Handed Barber should help. It’s basically a one-handed Flowbee.

one handed barber

This $59.95(USD) gadget will cut your hair evenly in any direction, giving you a closely cropped, clean-cut hairstyle while keeping that haircut money in your pocket. It’s just like combing your hair – and losing it as fast as you comb it. The trimmer’s rotary cutting system and razor-sharp stainless steel blades will cut your hair as the unit is moved circularly through your head. Really, this thing would sell tons if it looked more like a UFO and cut deep crop circles in your hair. I’d buy that.

single handed barber 2

You get a few attachments to cut hair in four different lengths (1/8″, 1/4″, 3/8″, or 1/2″), and the rechargeable battery can deliver four five-minute haircuts after a 16-hour charge. You can also just plug it directly into an outlet if you can’t cut that fast.

Unsurprisingly, Hammacher Schlemmer doesn’t show any before and after pictures of haircuts done with the Single-Handed Barber.

[via Coolest Gadgets]