Disney can digitally recreate your teeth

Digital models of humans can be uncannily accurate these days, but there's at least one area where they fall short: teeth. Unless you're willing to scan the inside of someone's mouth, you aren't going to get a very faithful representation of someone...

Regenerative tooth fillings could put an end to root canals

You really don't want a root canal, and not just because it's potentially painful. Emptying the tooth of the infected tissue at its heart potentially weakens it, since you can't grow that organic material back or put toxic fillings in its place. Re...

Girl Gets Tooth Pulled out by Drone

I think it all started in cartoons. Also in the old Three Stooges flicks. You are in so much tooth pain, you tie some string around your tooth and you attach the other end to a door. When you pull the door, it yanks your tooth out. Simple. Except in those old shows it never worked out simple. Well, here is the modern equivalent: using a drone to pull your tooth out.

drone_tooth_1zoom in

This dad uses his DJI Phantom drone to pull his daughter’s loose tooth out and it actually worked pretty well. I’m not sure about the Dad’s maniacal laugh though. They better watch this guy. He seems to enjoy this a bit too much.

It all worked out and the little girl is happy to be rid of her baby tooth. Her new tooth is already coming in. Thanks, drone!

[via The Robot’s Voice]

T.Rex had Serrated Teeth to Tear Away at its Prey

The T.Rex, and the rest if its cousin therapods, were terrible lizards alright. They preyed upon various herbivores thanks to their teeth structure. The teeth were singular in their serrations. This...

Snail Teeth found to be stronger than Kevlar

Nature still hold endless secrets. So far the spider silk was considered the strongest natural material. Now British researchers found that the teeth in Limpets (aquatic snails) are much stronger....

232 Teeth out of 260 Teeth Extracted from Boy’s Mouth

A young Indian boy Ashik Gavai, who is just 17-year-old, had a swollen jaw. And he was feeling pain when brought to doctors in India. However, after checking his jaw, Indian doctors discovered the...