The Turkey Stuffer Makes Thanksgiving Easi… Er?

You know how it is during the holidays. Everything is super busy – especially for Thanksgiving, because you have to clean the house, prepare all of the food, eat and then clean it all up again. You barely have the time or energy for it all. Well, here’s an idea that will make roasting your turkey that much easier.

Joseph from Joseph’s Machines, along with his dog Matthew, will show you his easy method of preparing a Thanksgiving turkey. It just requires a few Rube Goldberg tricks. Like having your dog jump on a platform to chop the vegetables with an ax, which then sets off a chain of events that flings a container of stuffing into your waiting bird.

Now when it comes to buttering your bird (I know that sounds wrong) you should always set your butter under your dog to soften it, then use a massage tool to work it into the bird’s soft skin, relieving its stress at the same time. Then cook your turkey and have your dog pull it out of the oven with a special harness. Your Thanksgiving turkey is now ready and you didn’t have to work as hard. Yeah, right. But it’s a fun way to cook a turkey.

[via Neatorama]

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