Realistic Grilled Steak Dinner Candles Look Good Enough to Eat

Because Japan is famous for developing products long before we recognize the need for them, this is the steak candle from century-old Japanese candle manufacturer Kameyama. It looks like a steak dinner and smells like a steak dinner, leading me to question whether or not it really is a steak dinner. Obviously, I’m afraid I have no choice but to convince a friend to take a bite and find out.

The steak candle set, available from the Japan Trend Shop for $25, includes steak, potato, beans, and carrot candles, which are all “charcoal-grilled meat” scented. Are they the perfect candles for lighting in the bedroom to set the mood for an evening of romance? Probably not, but that won’t stop me from trying.

The steak candle has a burn time of about an hour and the vegetables about five minutes apiece. That’s not a very long time, but still significantly longer than it would take me to enjoy an actual steak dinner, with my personal best being before the waiter could even set the plate down on the table.

Sleek electric q-tip gently cleans out the wax from inside your ear

I’ll just confess over here that I’m terrified of using a Q-tip. The last time I tried using one was back in college – I could feel like my ear needed cleaning, so I picked an earbud up and carefully went at it. I ended up pushing the wax further into my canal, and suddenly I could barely hear out that ear because of the wax blockage. A doctor finally helped me out, and told me something I remember to this day. That Q-tip isn’t meant for in-ear usage. It’s a convenient thing everyone takes for granted, but if you ever pick up a box and actually read the instructions, it specifically states that the Q-tip’s design is made for cleaning AROUND the ear, and not inside it.

WAXOFF takes a much more precise and no-nonsense approach to ear-cleaning. No larger than an electric toothbrush, the WAXOFF is an electric Q-tip that uses a rotating head with a helical pattern that gently scoops and pushes out any wax inside your ear, instead of accidentally pushing it in. Designed for self-use, the WAXOFF is a personal hygiene device that can be used without external supervision. It rotates at a constant speed in one direction, relying on the helical channels to gather and push out any ear-wax. The head’s flexible, soft design allows it to gently slide into any ear, and its simple wax-removal technique is practically foolproof. WAXOFF’s rotating head is replaceable, and can be ejected and swapped out using two push-buttons on the top of the handle. Plus, a single button with the WAXOFF branding lets you toggle it on or off, and a USB-C port on the back lets you charge the device when its battery runs low.

Designer: Michał Szczególski

This electric q-tip gently cleans the wax from inside your ear

No larger than the size of an electric toothbrush, the Clean focuses on personal hygiene by allowing you to clear your ear canals of dirt and wax. The handheld device comes with a design that allows you to use it on your own, without external supervision. Its silicone body is soft, malleable, non-toxic, and easy to clean, while the rotating head at its tip features a helical pattern that rotates to gently push out any wax inside your ear without hurting you.

The Clean’s unique design makes it more effective than a q-tip. Its rotating head burrows wax away and out of the canal, and makes sure you never accidentally push wax INTO your ear… all while being incredibly easy to clean once used. You can take a wet-wipe to it or even use hot water to sterilize the tip, allowing you to use it multiple times, unlike cotton buds which need to be thrown away after a single use.

Designer: Nate Shirley

The Puffco Peak vaporizer is a quick hit of concentrated genius

Hell hath no fury like a stoner who has just had to dig his last nugget of honeycomb wax out of the carpet because the wad of sticky concentrate managed to fall off its dabbing tool. I mean, do you still fire it up -- carpet fuzz, cat hair and al...

The Pax Era aims to be the Keurig of vaporizers

Out of all the ways to ingest THC, oil concentrates are far and away the messiest, stickiest and most irritating method. Unlike shatter, crumble or even wax, all of which maintain their shape and texture to some degree, oils have a knack for getting...

Watch a Vase Get Made from 256 Crayons

There’s something so cool and soothing about seeing a melted brick of crayons being made into a vase on a lathe. The swirling colors as it turns, combined with the colorful bits of wax flying everywhere is just so cool. It is a great way that adults can still play with crayons. Plus it makes a huge mess, and what adult kid doesn’t love that?

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In fact it makes such a mess that you have to cover your floor, yourself, and all of your tools, because if you don’t, everything is going to be covered in colored wax. But you are going to have an awesome and colorful vase afterwards; one that will be waterproof even if it will melt on a super hot day, but who cares?

Check out Peter Brown’s messy and marvelous craft project in the clip below:

I’d like to try this myself one day.

[via Sploid]

Working iPhone 6s Boiled in Melted Crayons

Taras Maksimuk wanted to see what would happen if he boiled a working iPhone 6s in melted blue crayons. Naturally. I mean, who hasn’t wondered what would happen if you boiled an iPhone in a bunch of crayons? Uh.

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So what happens when you drop your phone into a waxy blue volcano? Well, first, the color of the wax is pretty cool. It looks really good on the phone – like a vintage car color. It’s very calming. Enjoy the zen that is this tranquil video. At least until the phone basically blows up, sending wax everywhere and catching on fire.

Thank you Taras, for risking your own life so that we can watch this kind of crazy stuff from the safety of our own devices.

Nerdwax Keeps Your Glasses from Sliding off: Wax on, Glass on

Do your glasses slide down your nose when you get sweaty or if your face gets oily? Check out Nerdwax. It’s a beeswax-based solution that supposedly keeps your glasses on. Its efficacy will depend on how sweaty or oily you get, but inventor Don Hejny claims that he’s gone for an entire day on just one application of his product.

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As you can see Nerdwax comes in a small tube, like a lip balm. Rub some of it on the bridge or nosepads of your glasses to make those parts stickier.

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Pledge at least $10 (USD) on Kickstarter to get a tube of Nerdwax as a reward. If that sounds expensive, Don says one tube should last around 6 to 8 months with normal use, so it’s not bad. Unless it’s actually just beeswax.

[via Coolest Gadgets]

New iPhone May Feature Wax Microprocessors

Your future iPhones might come with new wax chipa. You might not believe this but an ordinary substance such as wax is being used to cool hot microprocessors. The moment the microchip becomes too hot...