The Nanoleaf Smarter Kit Brings Bold Shapes To Your Smart Light

Nanoleaf Smarter KitWhat was once a relatively niche product, smart lights are finally making their way into mainstream markets thanks to improved tech and lower price points. While all of them have their different selling points, they are all essentially the same thing; use your smartphone to control your lights. One of the most bold designs to come out is the Nanoleaf Smart Light.

The Mass Fidelity Bluetooth Speaker Uses Science To Blast Out Big Sound

Mass Fidelity Core There are many Bluetooth speakers on the market, some good, some bad, some great, but most of them are using the same tried-and-true technology to produce sound. That technology is basically to throw some speakers into the unit, point them in a couple directions, and call it a day. Mass Fidelity decided that wasn't cutting it, however, and now we have the Core.

The Wurf Board Is The Perfect Accessory For Your Standing Desk

Wurf Board for standing desksStanding desks continue to grow in popularity in modern offices throughout the world. And what's not to like about them? Not only do they give you options and allow you to change up the workday by switching positions, but standing desks have also been shown to have health benefits. Even if you're getting your daily exercise in, sitting for too long can lead to Type 2 Diabetes, heart disease, and a plethora of other issues. The Wurf Board lets you get your standing time in, while alleviating foot and joint pain.

The Blueair Sense+ Might Be The Smartest Air Purifier On The Market

Blueair Sense+The bigger the city, the worse the air quality. We breath in lackluster air every day, so why should we do the same in our homes? While there isn't much we can do to improve the air quality outside, we can take control of it inside of home and office. Air Purification systems have been around for years, but many of them can be an eyesore and loud enough to be noticeable. Enter the Blueair Sense+, an air purification system that is trying to redefine how we look at cleaner air in our homes.

1byOne Bluetooth Light Doubles As A Speaker

1byOne Bluetooth Smart LightSmart technology is taking over everything in our homes. First it was the TVs and phones, and it has since made its way into almost every aspect of our home lives. Smart lights have been out for awhile now, with Philips Hue really shining brighter than the rest, but other companies have entered the fray, as well. 1byOne is one such company, with their Wireless Bluetooth Smart light offering 7 main colors to choose from and an additional feature: a built-in Bluetooth speaker.

Trove Lets You Design And 3D Print Custom Jewelry

Trove 3D printed jewelry3D printing is taking industry by storm. What started as somewhat of a novelty has made its way into many aspects of our personal and professional lives. Even space exploration is looking into using 3D printers to provide food to astronauts. It's versatility allows it places we never would have thought about five years ago. One obvious area of industry that it has interjected itself into is jewelry design and production. There are even companies popping up that allow you to custom make your own jewelry, such as Trove.

The Eyecatcher Bracelet Focuses On Fashion And Function

Eyecatcher Bracelet from LookSeeThe wearables market continues to grow and it is starting to advance past pure "function," and deviate into fashion. While wearables have always been a fashion statement, they had functionality so you could defend yourself (and your smartwatch) during conversations. The Eyecatcher bracelet flips the roles however; lots of fashion with less emphasis on function.

Make Your Own Bread With The T-Fal Actibread

T-Fal ActibreadThere's something rewarding about making your own food. Yes, the instant gratification of just ordering out is nice, but there is something to be said about using your own hands and ingredients to make a meal. The same goes for bread. Buying it from the store is fast and easy, but warm, fresh bread made in your own kitchen? Sign me up, because that's where the T-Fal Actibread comes in.

The Fusion Guitar Brings Smart Tech Into The World Of Music

Fusion GuitarsWith the Fusion Guitar you don't have to be that guy that brings an acoustic guitar to the party. Instead, bring the full force of Trogdor and guitar riffs and start the party yourself. The Fusion Guitar, currently being funded on Indiegogo, brings smart tech into the world of music.

ChefCharger Brings Stylish Charging Hubs To Restaurants

ChefCharger Bamboo CoastersIt’s safe to say that many of us are attached to our phones. We use them to keep in touch with people constantly, check basketball scores, and share videos and photos with one another. But with this increase in use comes one glaring problem, we feel completely lost when our phone is dying and we have to make crucial decisions such as, “Do I use the last 5% of my battery to Instagram this awesome meal?” Well, ChefCharger wants to alleviate that stress for you.