16 Must Have Have Products For The Crazy Cat Lady In You

Must-Have Guide For The Crazy Cat Lady In YouCrazy cat ladies unite!  If you're a proud cat lover or know someone who is, I'm here to show you a plethora of crazy cat lady gifts and products that will get you purring.  Behold, the ultimate list of must have crazy cat lady products recommended by a crazy cat lady.

10 Funny And Bizarre Children’s Toys That You Should Never Buy Your Kids

10 Funny And Bizarre Children's ToysChildren’s toys gone wrong, this is the stuff of nightmares.  It’s unsettling when we come across toys that seem to cross our society’s wholesome boundaries, however, we can’t help but be a tad bit intrigued.  Here are some toys that make you go “Hmmm…”  Let’s dive in and I’ll explain as we go.

7 Terribly Funny Children’s Book Parodies For Adults

If You Give A Kid A CookieParodies of classic children's books geared towards adults are all the rage these days.  Revisiting your favorite childhood stories with a unique and vulgar new spin is a great way to laugh your way down memory lane.  Check out these 7 terribly funny children's book parodies.

Booze Tubes: The Best Way To Smuggle Alcohol, Period

Ever go to a venue with strict no alcohol policies, or an event that doesn’t allow alcohol and you could really use a tasty adult beverage?  Booze Tubes are the perfect answer (if you’re a female), period.

Peaches ‘n’ Panties: The New Ripe Fruit Craze

Ripe Fruit Peach Bottoms

I like peach butts and I cannot lie.  Ever look at a peach and thought it looked like a bum?  So have vendors in China who are now selling sexy peach booties.  Ripe Fruit, it’s a thing. Move aside apples, peaches are the new bottoms, and they've gotten a sexy makeover. 

i-Tattoo Electronic Temporary Tattoo Pen For Your Little Rebels

i-Tattoo Electronic Tattoo Pen

Love the look of tattoos, but not fond of the pain and commitment that come with it?  Have a little one in your life who would love a step up from temporary tattoo stickers? The i-Tattoo Electronic Tattoo Pen by SpinMaster is a tattoo pen so easy a child can use it, but without the permanence or dangers of contracting HIV and/or hepatitis.