Bison Airlighter Lights Fires at 2600 Degrees

Bison AirlighterA gas lighter is almost a must these days for even somewhat frequent grilling or hanging out around the firepit, but even then fires can still put up some resistance. Enter the Bison Airlighter: a butane gas powered lighter that puts out 2600 degrees to start your flames without kindling or paper in under a minute.

In addition to the extreme flame, and not unlike the Looflighter we saw a few years back, the Airlighter blows air with a built in fan to oxygenate your fire and get it going faster. Bison even included a front-facing flashlight and a bottle opener on the bottom.

The lighter is refillable with a standard butane canister and the batteries for the fan can be recharged through a USB port. It appears that the lighter is not quite ready for the retail market but you can pre-order at the Bison website for $99. You’ll definitely want to be careful with this one and void needing help from OLE the fire-fighting beetle.

via the Gadgeteer