12v Auto Grill for In-Car Grilling

auto grill 650x341 12v Auto Grill for In Car Grilling
Going down the road feelin’ bad? Not if you keep your belly full with a Koolatron 12 volt Auto Grill 12v Auto Grill for In Car Grilling, the grill you can use IN your car. Eat your heart out George Foreman. Drive down the road, make some pancakes, bacon, eggs, hot dogs, grilled chicken, steaks, Cajun seared fish, you name it. The sloped grill just drains away the fat. You won’t even notice any stains from melted fat juices on your car seats through all the haze and smell from cooking smoky food in a tiny enclosed area. We recommend you keep your speeds under 75 while cooking, you know- for safety reasons.

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12v Auto Grill for In-Car Grilling