The Top Green Gadgets That Are Actually Cool, Too

Wood laptop

‘Going green’ gets a bad rap sometimes because people assume it only means separating glass and plastic and making sure you never waste a drop of water. The fact of the matter is, going green can actually be quite interesting and even innovative, integrating technological advances that rely on alternative energies such as solar power.

In order to keep going green plenty of fun, we’ve brought you the top green gadgets that will change the way you live your life, without forcing the less interesting changes into your day-to-day world.

Outdoor Speakers

Speakers that can be used outdoors are cool enough, but outdoor speakers that run on solar energy are fun, practical and very, very green. The Honeywell wireless speakers can be operated using an AC adapter as well, but it’s their ability to soak up the sun–and then play some great tunes while patching into a mobile device–that makes them so great.


The Brunton SolarRoll also uses solar energy to be ultra-green but it doesn’t use that power to power itself. The SolarRoll can be hooked up to a number of other devices and charges or powers them. There are actually three different SolarRolls that have a number of different power outputs you can match up with your needs.

ASUS Ecobook

The ASUS Ecobook is a laptop that has gone green thanks to its housing. The case for the ASUS
is made of actual recycled bamboo. There are few other gadgets like this that go quite so far to make sure recycling is paying off. The rest of the computer is made to match the Bamboo housing and that makes this laptop green and attractive.

Econova LED TV

Televisions aren’t usually considered devices that have gone green. The Econova
is breaking the mold in a number of different ways. The set is made from recyclable materials and when it gets switched off it goes to zero watts of consumption. Even the remote is embracing green tech since it is solar powered. No batteries means no used up AAs that go in the trash.

Solar Powered Keyboard

There are a number of solar powered wireless keyboards out there. Logitech and a number of other companies have jumped on this tech rather quickly. Much like the solar remote control, the green comes from no longer having to go through batteries over and over.

Water Powered Alarm Clock

Water powered alarm clocks seem to be all the rage for people who want to go green with a little bit of style. The clocks work exactly like they sound. Open up the valve, fill with regular water and a chemical reaction converts the ions in the water into energy.


WaterPebble is a device that wants to help you reduce the amount of water you use. You can take
the device into the shower or put it in the sink and it will measure the water you’re using the first couple of times. By studying the readout (too much, just enough and well done) you’ll be able to gradually realize when you should turn the water off and cut your showers short.


Robomow is both pretty cool, because it saves you energy but it’s also green because it saves
you from burning fossil fuels. The device is simply given a perimeter it should mow, much like the Roomba does inside the house. It’s rechargeable so you aren’t throwing away batteries or buying extra gasoline.

Motorized Blinds

Motorized blinds and window coverings usually only pop up in commercial and retail locations
but they’re getting more popular as a residential tool as well. The blinds
lower and raise with the push of a button and they save energy by keeping the
room cooler during the time of day when the sun shines the brightest.

Nest Thermostat

The Nest Thermostat can actually program itself based on the best possible use of energy combined with your preferences. It will even give you a little leaf logo when the energy use is nice and green. It can also be operated remotely using mobile applications for added energy savings.