Eye Tracking Wheelchair

Eye Tracking WheelchairHere is one of the latest developments in wheelchair technology: the wheel chair you can steer just by looking in the direction you would like to go.

Scientists in London have been working on the technology for severely disabled people who have lost the use of their arms. Most with a severe type of disability are still able to use their eyes to see which is what prompted them to start working on this project. All the wheelchair user will have to do is look in the direction they would like to go.

They are building the computer system to be able to tell the difference in eye movement. For example; the difference between a person just looking around at their environment and the difference of a command such as “I want to go there”.

There are still some problems with the software, but hopefully they will have the bugs worked out soon and add a great addition to mobility for the disabled.

Via Ubergizmo