10 Cool Christmas Gift Ideas For Gamers Under $20

Best Christmas Gift Ideas For Gamers Under $20

Being a gamer isn’t something to be ashamed of anymore, but it’s not always the cheapest of hobbies. So in order to make your video game related Christmas gift, for yourself or a friend, more affordable, we put together this list of games and some pretty cool accessories, all for under $20.

Minecraft – Xbox One

For $19.99, you can basically create and explore your own ruled with nothing to hold you back from doing anything you like. For people who love the Sandbox concept in gaming, this is the perfect experience.

LaundryBoy Hamper

Laundry hampers tend to smell pretty bad after a while if you don’t clear them out. So to make them appealing to at least one of the senses, making it look like a GameBoy was a smart move, and you can buy it for $9.99.

Silicone Skin Cover for XBOX One

Every gamer knows you need a good controller for those long hours of video game marathons, without it taking a toll on your fingers. This Xbox One controller with silicone skin cover will do the trick for $19.99.

Monopoly For Xbox One

No game has ever caused more friendships and family relationships to be broken more than Monopoly, so you can understand why it’s such a must for the Holiday season, making for a perfect Christmas gift to buy for $18.68.

Nerdtendo Gamebooze 8oz Flask

It’s better to eat or drink from something that makes you feel good just by looking at it. A GameBoy telling you to drink promotes nothing but positive feelings, and even if it doesn’t, the booze inside the flask will help. It’ll cost you $14.99 for the pleasure.

Level-Up Pipe Mug

Things are tastier when they’re being drunk out of an 8-bit mug, so for anyone who is a Mario fan (or a closeted Luigi fan), this will be the perfect gift at $12.99.

Fallout BobbleHeads

These aren’t just Fallout bobbleheads. They come in different shapes, each one representing the trait you cherish the most: Melee weapons, Endurance, Energy weapons, Strength, Repair, Lock pick and Perception, each available for $14.99.

Minecraft Cookie Cutters

After already buying the Minecraft game (scroll up), you’ll probably be hooked to a point you need Minecraft things in your actual life, including interesting ways to cut up cookie dough, for $18.95.

 Zelda Key Hanger

Link has made life so much more meaningful for millions of video game fans since he first appeared in 1986. Having this forever reminder on your desk is a nice way to look back at those innocent days of gaming, when they were much more difficult, and it wasn’t all about the graphics. Buy it for $15.00.

Gears of War 3 Limited Edition Console Game Skin for Xbox One Console

A great Xbox One skin is important for someone who spends a lot of hours with and in front of his console. And there’s never enough crimson in your life, so buying this for $12.99 will fulfil more than just one need.

For more Christmas gift ideas, check out these geeky mugs or these great Xbox One games that are still on a special Cyber Monday week deal.