13 Coolest Harambe Sweaters & T-Shirts

Our First Xmas Without Harambe Ugly Christmas Sweatshirt

The most surprising meme sensation of 2016 was hands down Harambe the gorilla, turned into some sort of folk hero. It makes sense to celebrate the end of the year with a Harambe t-shirt or ugly Christmas sweater in the weird world we live in.

Harambe ‘All I Want for Christmas’ Sweater

Before Harambe was shot, no one thought of inviting him for Christmas. Now the former Cincinnati zoo gorilla is on everyone’s holiday wish list, which can be easily seen on this Christmas sweater.

Harambe Angel Halo Sweatshirt

I’m not sure gorillas go to heaven. I’m not sure there is a heaven. But this sweatshirt believes Harambe is there.

Harambe Loved Christmas Sweatshirt

This Christmas sweatshirt portrays Harambe as a great lover of the holidays. He probably didn’t really care.

Harambe 1999-2016 T-Shirt

I have a feeling that someday future generations will look back on 2016 and think: Did they really put a gorilla on a t-shirt?

Harambe R.I.P Christmas Sweatshirt

More than anything, this Harambe Christmas sweatshirt reminds me of playing Donkey Kong.

Harambe Hero T-Shirt

The Harambe Hero t-shirt is available in 11 different colors.

Harambe Died for Our Sins

The sins which the Harambe Christmas sweater is referring to are probably the inability to prevent a child from falling into the gorilla enclosure at the zoo.

Harambe Children Day Care T-Shirt

I wonder if some people love Harambe so much they’re willing to do what this t-shirt says and send their kids to a daycare run by a friendly gorilla.

Harambe & Donald Trump Ugly Christmas Sweater

The two most prominent figures of 2016 on one ugly Christmas sweater. I’m not sure who is more ridiculous.

Harambe for President T-Shirt

Who knows, maybe if Harambe would have been in the running, he would actually have been elected? His t-shirt is cooler than Trump’s or Hillary’s.

Our First Xmas Without Harambe Ugly Christmas Sweater

Last Christmas, people were wearing completely different ugly Christmas sweaters, and had no idea who Harambe was.

Harambe Lives Matter T-Shirt

One of the more interesting parts of the Harambe phenomenon is comparing the gorilla’s death to police brutality against African Americans. And without diving any further into politics, if you like this t-shirt, buy it on Amazon.

Harambe Angel in Heaven T-Shirt

I saved the best, craziest Harambe t-shirt for last.