Harry Potter Cookie Has Something from Hogwarts Inside

Move over, fortune cookies. These sweet Harry Potter treats have a little bit of magic inside each and every one of them. They were baked by Tina of Sugar Bean Bakers for a friend’s birthday.

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They’re essentially sugar cookies that are topped with heavenly marshmallow fondant. The outside can be decorated any way you choose to, but the real surprise is on the inside, as there’s an “official” Hogwarts acceptance letter inserted into each one.

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These cookies would be perfect treats for Harry Potter-themed parties or when the celebrant happens to be a huge Potter fan. You can easily modify the recipe, which can be found here, for your own needs. Like treasure chest cookies with pieces of a map inside, for example. The sky’s the limit!

[via Food Beast]

The Best Fan Art of January 2013


The fact that time moves forward and we’re already in 2013, don’t think that the first month of the new year wasn’t up to par with previous fan artworks, giving you the best alternative adaptations of your favorite movie, comic book and video game characters.

James Potter on the Train to ...
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