Apple reportedly built wearable visor prototypes, ‘didn’t have time’ to bring them to market

Considering that Apple's patented nearly every tech concept under the sun, the revelation that it dabbled with a wearable display of some sort is hardly earth-shattering. According to Tony Fadell, Nest CEO and former Senior VP at Apple, Cupertino built a bunch of wearable tech prototypes but "didn't have time" to further develop them. Fadell describes Apple's approach as "visors, so it's like you're sitting in a theater," which sounds decidedly more like a VR headset or head-mounted display than something like Google Glass. Still, Apple dismissing one of Google's the year's most hyped concepts in favor of focusing on its streamlined device lineup? That's quite a burn to Mountain View.

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Via: 9to5Google

Source: Co.Design

Apple’s iPhone event is tomorrow — get your liveblog here!

Apple's iPhone event is tomorrow  get your liveblog here!

Apple's making some huge changes to iOS this year, so what are the chances that the iPhone will undergo a similar transition? Based on what we've been hearing, the likelihood is pretty high; Tim Cook, Sir Jony Ive and the rest of the crew may show off not one but two new iPhone models for the very first time. We're expecting to see both a 5S and a colorful 5C, but we're still in the dark on when they'll arrive, how much they cost and where they'll be available. There's always potential for a top-secret product nobody was anticipating, too. Regardless of what interests you the most, bookmark this page and return tomorrow at the time listed below as we keep you updated on the play-by-play!

September 10, 2013 1:00:00 PM EDT

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