Brilliant Super Smash Bros. Gift Ideas for the Nintendo Fan


Few games are as fun and addictive as Super Smash Bros., whether it’s in the 1999 version or the more recent one for the Wii U. The sign of truly great things is the amount of accessories that sprout around it.

You can try and find the perfect Super Smash Bros gift for a fan of the video game just Mario on your own, but it’s easier putting your trust in us, and following one of our recommendations:

Light Blue Yarn Yoshi Amiibo

There’s more than meets the eye in this Yoshi figure. Tapping this amiibo over your Wii U gamepad opens up options in the game, while your Yoshi can store date as you play, making it truly a one of a kind toy. 

Shulk amiibo – Japan Import (Super Smash Bros Series)

The Shulk Amiibo is probably the best figure in this very special toy line.

 Super Smash Bros. Brawl – The Game

You can only buy this addictive, super fun video game for the Nintendo Wii. It’ll set you back $28.12.

Nintendo Super Smash Bros. White Classic Gamecube Controller

For a truly unique experience of Super Smash Bros. on the Nintendo Wii, play it with this awesome Gamecube controller.

Lucas amiibo (Super Smash Bros Series)

Of all the Nintendo amiibo characters for Super Smash Bros, Lucas is probably the cutest.

Bowser Jr. amiibo – Japan Import (Super Smash Bros Series)

The cool thing about the Bowser Jr. amiibo figure is that he looks like he’s being cooked in a giant, plant-like pot.

Mario Universe Super Smash Bros Inspired Emblem Pendant Necklace

This is a Super Smash Bros. pendant from an Etsy artist that has some wonderful works for all Nintendo games and franchises.