Juvo Takes Sleep Monitoring to an Extreme

Juvo Sleep Tracker 01

Every breath you take, every move you make, the Juvo sleep tracker will be watching you. With its unprecedented accuracy and smart home integration, this device takes sleep monitoring to a whole new level.

Juvo Labs, the Singapore-based company behind this sleep tracker, figured out that relying just on accelerometers to track sleep patterns simply won’t do it. According to its makers, Juvo is so accurate that it can track even your slightest movements 100 times a second. Since it needs to be placed under the mattress, it’s a lot more convenient to use than wrist-worn sleep monitors.

“The sensor technology is fiber optic,” explained company founder Toi Ngee in an interview with Gizmag. “So there’s a LED in the bedside unit that emits normal light that passes through the cable to the sensor under the mat. We then measure the amount of light lost within the mat a hundred times a second to extract out vitals such as movement, breathing etc. Therefore, there’s absolutely no radiation and even electricity from the sensor under the mat.”

The tracker even comes with a white noise machine that makes sure that you fall asleep quickly. Juvo really turns sleeping into a whole new experience, as it makes use of smart lights to wake you up when you’re rested. On top of that, it can be integrated with smart home devices such as Nest thermostats.

As mentioned before, Juvo Labs thought that for a precise sleep tracker, three-way accelerometers simply won’t do. More modern sleep monitors also include heartbeat monitors and skin temperature sensors, but that requires you to wear them around your wrist, fact that makes them uncomfortable during the night. Smart home integration and a entire host of sensors take Juvo to a new level, not to mention that its makers have also developed a software layer for data analysis.

The companion app collects the data recorded by the sensors and provides tips on how to make your sleep even better. Some of the advices you might get include “You achieve deep sleep fastest when your room temperature is set to 74° F (23° C)” or “You are typically in light sleep at 7 am, consider setting your alarm around that time.” That’s definitely something you don’t see when using sleep trackers developed by other companies. It’s not a mistake to consider the companion app one of Juvo’s most important selling points.

Juvo is currently featured on Indiegogo, where its creators are trying to raise $50,000 within the next 37 days, so that the sleep tracker makes it to mass production. Early birds can get it for as little as $149, while regular backers will have to pledge $159 or more to get their Juvo sleep tracker in April 2016. Various bundles are availables, including a distributor pack with 50 monitors selling for $6,000, in case you want to make sure that the entire neighborhood sleeps well.

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[via GizMag]