Cinnabon Air Fresheners Exist

No, Americans are not fatter than ever. It’s not like we need our homes to smell like food. It’s not like we need Cinnabon Air Fresheners or anything… Wait. What? Yes, they actually exist, presumably to make us so hungry that we get in the car on a mission to find some.
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Air Wick’s Cinnabon-scented air fresheners will fill your home with the scent of “one-of-a-kind cinnamon and cream cheese frosting that make Cinnabon cinnamon rolls so unforgettable.” There goes your diet right? I don’t know about you, but I don’t need spray can to make me crave delicious junk food. I want that all on my own.

However, if you have to make your home smell like a bakery – without baking these - now you know that this is a thing.

[via FoodBeast via OhGizmo!]