7 Sophisticated Star Wars Posters in Chalkboard Blueprint Style

Star Wars Millennium Falcon Chalkboard Poster

Among the horde of Star Wars items and accessories flooding the market by the second, you sometimes find something special and original, like these chalkboard poster prints of ships and droids from the Star Wars universe.

Designed to look like U.S. Patents blueprints, these posters come in various shapes in a chalkboard like look, making it seem like you have the original designs to the whole Republic, Rebellion and Empire star fleet, which is pretty impressive if you have friends that love Star Wars.

Star Wars Millennium Falcon Chalkboard Poster

This beautiful look into the guys of the Millennium Falcon will give your living room/office a more scientific look, and it’s actually on a small discount deal at the moment over on Amazon, if you hurry.

Star Wars X-Wing Chalkboard Poster

There’s something a little bit less sophisticated and complex about the X-Wings, which is fine. Having a blueprint of a toy and not the best ship in the galaxy isn’t a bad idea either.

Star Wars TIE Fighter Chalkboard Poster

And just so the dark side of the force doesn’t get neglected, here are the best ships the empire has to offer in this chalkboard print poster form, probably even better looking than the X-Wings.

Star Wars C3-PO Chalkboard Poster

Somewhere in the galaxy there’s the person who designed the first C3-PO unit and delivered a charming, bumbling droid upon the stars, and changed history forever, in a good way, most of the time. You can make people think the original plans are at your house!

Star Wars R2-D2 Chalkboard Poster

Yes, a little bit simplistic. But remember, before the prequel trilogy, R2-D2 was really a simple, adorable droid. We suddenly found out he did a lot more before the Republic fell apart and the Empire took over. I kinda like the simple version of him hanging on my wall.

Star Wars AT-AT Chalkboard Poster

Despite the little writing being only “Fig 1” as in “Figure 1”, I really wish it was a tiny person about to get squished by the AT-AT. Imagining that makes this poster a lot more awesome.

Star Wars Imperial Shuttle Chalkboard Poster

What does having an imperial shuttle poster say about you? That you’re a practical person, not swayed and carried away by the firepower of the X-Wing, the popularity of R2 droids, or the cuteness of the AT-AT. Pragmatic people can enjoy posters too.