Vacuum Cleaner with 32,000 Crystals is World’s Most Expensive

swarovski hyla Vacuum Cleaner with 32,000 Crystals is Worlds Most Expensive
What would happen if you took the already-pretty-expensive Hyla Vacuums Vacuum Cleaner with 32,000 Crystals is Worlds Most Expensive and laid 32,000 Swarovski Elements on it? You’d have the self-proclaimed world’s most expensive and luxurious vacuum cleaner. It took 100 hours to stick all those crystals on, which is 320 crystals per hour or about 20 seconds per crystal. I’m guessing when they were done they used the vacuum to pick up all crystals they dropped on the floor.

You can actually purchase this bejeweled cleaning machine at a suggested retail price of $21,900 (you probably have to contact Hyla directly, I guess?). They don’t really expect anyone to buy one though, they expect gullible bloggers to write about it and promote their brand instead. Doh!

Vacuum Cleaner with 32,000 Crystals is World’s Most Expensive