Plush Unicorn Bouquet

unicorn bouquet Plush Unicorn Bouquet
Flowers die but unicorns are forever. Especially plush ones. The Plush Unicorn Bouquet Plush Unicorn Bouquet comes with a herd of 11 little plush unicorns in a bouquet wrapping. Each unicorn is on a stem, like a flower except way cooler, and of course they can be detached and placed anywhere you want.
plush unicorn bouquet Plush Unicorn Bouquet
Definitely better for the waistline than a box of chocolates. Solid alternative for geeks, bronys, flower haters and the allergic. That’s how it looks all wrapped up. Let’s see the magic unleashed into 11 tiny pieces of awesome:
unicorns everywhere Plush Unicorn Bouquet
The 3.5″ (snout to rump) x 5″ (hoof to tip of horn) unicorns have posable legs so they can sit, stand, or lie down while doing their magic thing. Give some everlasting magic this Valentine’s Day (or any day).

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Plush Unicorn Bouquet