With Cal, Any.DO hopes to bring its productivity magic to calendars (hands-on)

DNP AnyDO Cal handson

When Any.DO -- the brains behind the popular iOS to-do app -- announced Cal for iOS last month, we had high hopes for its take on calendar functionality. Starting today, Cal will be available for download in the App Store, but we had a chance to play with it early to see what it was all about. The app marks the company's initial foray into a full-blown suite of productivity apps (as teased in their press release below), which will include, at some indeterminate point in the future, Any.DO's own e-mail app. Any.DO is determined to hit a home run with its life-management line, but does Cal live up to the hype? Read on to find out.

Gallery: Any.DO Cal

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Source: iTunes

Any.DO announces Cal, promises a suite of connected life management apps (video)

AnyDO announces Cal, promises a suite of connected life management apps video

It's only been a few hours since we wrote about Any.DO getting redesigned with a fresh new look and logo. The company's also been teasing "a new way to manage your day" on its website. Well it all makes perfect sense now -- Any.DO just announced Cal, a new calendar for the iPhone. The app seeks to change the way we interact with our calendar through location, contact and social integration. Of course it works seamlessly with Any.DO and features the same beautiful and simple design. Cal is still in beta but will be launching later this summer -- better yet, the company's promising a "suite of connected life management apps." Hit the break for the promo video and PR, and try to guess which app will come next (hint: we think it's email).

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