Folding Adult-Sized Bunkbeds

folding bunk beds Folding Adult Sized Bunkbeds
Get maximum additional sleeping space in minimal space with Foldaway Adult Bunk Beds Folding Adult Sized Bunkbeds. It’s a bunk bed style double cot that’s large enough and strong enough to hold a pair of full grown adults. The beds have a powder coated steel frame supporting single bed sized polyester mats that can hold up to 500 lbs each.
foldaway bunk beds Folding Adult Sized Bunkbeds
Each bed has attached storage pockets. The whole thing can fold down into a couch-like seat. The best part is that the whole system folds down into 2 included bags for easy unobtrusive storage. Tuck them away in a closet, attic, trunk, or under a bed or couch. When guests come over, just unfold and you can instantly sleep 2. Or bring your own bed when you visit others. Great for traveling and camping too.

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Folding Adult-Sized Bunkbeds