You Can Apparently Now Buy A Handheld Flamethrower


There are other flamethrowers on the market, but they all require you to strap a canister of fuel to your back. The XM42 doesn’t. It’s a fully self-contained fire spitting’ machine that can throw a flame up to 25 feet. It uses a variety of fuels, which are stored in a canister on the device itself; this way, when you’re done burning stuff, you can just set the XM42 down.

So is this legal to own? Apparently in 48 states, it is; only California and Maryland seem to think it a bad idea to let people own these. And we can sort of understand their reluctance. What constructive things can you do with one of these? Well, the XM42 guys have some suggestions:

- clearing snow/ice
– eliminating weeds between pavement cracks
– controlled burns/ground-clearing of foliage/agricultural
– insect control
– pyrotechnic event displays
– bonfire starting

Right… because we can totally see ourselves starting a bonfire from 25 feet away with a flamethrower…

But you know what? This is America, and if you want to toast a marshmallow with a thrower from afar, then that’s your right. You wanna show those ants who’s boss? Do it. It’ll cost you $699 for an XM42 finished in brushed Aluminum, and $799 for a powder coated version.





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