Geeky Origami Books For Nerds

Star Wars Origami- 36 Amazing Paper-folding Projects

Remember when geek was an unpopular part of society? Or people who like video games? Well you can kiss your misconceptions and wrong perceptions about origami and paper-folding goodbye. With the guides to make Star Wars and DC Superhero characters, it’s hard not to be cool, or at least happy with what you’re doing.

Star Wars Origami: 36 Amazing Paper-folding Projects

So who is on the list? Boba Fett, Princess Leia, Yoda, Darth Vader, R2-D2 and more. Folding paper is fun and therapeutic, but Star Wars makes everything better. Available for $12.20.

Pokemon Origami

The world is divided into Pokemon and Star Wars fans. Well not really, I’m pretty sure there are plenty of both. But Pokemon has the more childish, Japanese, colorful flavor to it than the sometimes dark Star Wars universe. We should be smiling while doing these things, right? Available to make you smile at $9.75.

DC Super Heroes Origami

From Pocket monsters we move on to guys & gals who fight ’em, or just ordinary villains. The DC Super Heroes origami is for those who want to turn paper into Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman and others on the Justice League, while also turning simple squares of paper into Batarangs, S-Shields, Invisible Jets, Green Lanterns, and so much more. Available for $13.11.


Robogami takes the art and turns it into a robo-battle arena, more or less, which is your home. The kit includes detailed instructions for creating a three-dimensional sci-fi world, complete with paper robots, dinosaurs and beetles. Available for $12.25.

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