Google Maps Update Coming Later Today with New Features

google maps update

A new Google Maps update is coming later today, and it promises a number of features and a snazzy new redesign. The changes will come to both iOS and Android applications. The update comes exactly after 15 years from the date of the launch of Google Maps beta. With this update, users can expect a slew of new features and design elements that make using the Maps application a joyous experience. 

Here are some of the most important features and changes coming with the Google Maps update:

  • Google Maps now has a four-color icon, that borrows from the elements of the location pin. 
  • At the bottom of the screen, users can find a navigation system with five icons
  • “Saved” tab fetches a list of locations you may have bookmarked, along with other such lists you may also have created
  • “Contribute” tab allows you to add photos and reviews locations you visit often
  • The hamburger menu, which hid many of these icons, is finally gone
  • Google Maps’ list features now more accessible, and many reviewers have noted that this is an advantageous feature for users

Users can easily access crowdsourced information on Google Maps

Google has also made it easier to access information that is entered via the crowdsourcing method. Users can easily check the temperature, security, accessibility and other such details entered by other users. This is very useful while traveling on public transport, as people can plan their journeys well in advance, and make informed decisions. 

Walkers may get better user experience with the new update

The tech giant has also included Live View, which uses augmented reality (AR) to help pedestrians and walkers to plan their journeys. In the initial versions, Live View displayed blue arrows to help users understand where they are walking. Now, a large red pin shows where the destination is, and how far the user us away from it. Users can still access turn-by-turn directions using the blue arrows. 

However, the new Live View feature is perfect for those who want to orient themselves in the direction. Live View feature will be added to another update and may not be available right away. It is important to note that Apple Maps has similarly planned to redesign and unveil new features. Competition makes everyone work hard, and Google is no exception. And that is always a good thing for end-users. 

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