GeoPalz launches ibitz line of activity trackers for kids and parents

GeoPalz launches ibitz line of activity trackers for kids and parents

If you want to count your steps and measure your activity, there's no shortage of options from unobtrusive bracelets to clip-on dongles. GeoPalz chose the latter form factor for its ibitz line of activity trackers that are meant not just for individual monitoring, but for keeping the whole family on target for a healthy life. The ibitz PowerKey is specifically designed for children and even has an accompanying smartphone app that syncs via Bluetooth 4.0. To keep kids motivated it converts steps into "keys" that earn rewards, mini game levels and prizes on Amazon. The adult version, called Unity, has its own separate app that tracks not just the parent's activity through a pedometer, but can also connect to smart scales and heart rate monitors for more collecting more detailed health data. The app also displays the activity of associated PowerKeys so parents can ensure their children are staying active. The PowerKey and Unity will hit shelves in April for $49.99 and $34.99 respectively. For a bit more, check out the gallery and PR below.

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