Intellego UV-Sensing Wristband: Never Get Fried by the Sun Again

Tanning can be dangerous, especially if you fall asleep on the beach while soaking in some rays. These UV-sensing wristbands will let you know when you’ve had too much sun. Once you’ve had your fill, they change colors to let you know when to cover up.

uv sensing wristband intellego sweden

The bands work through an acid-releasing agent that picks up UV light. A dye responds to pH levels in the indicator. Once you’ve reached a predetermined UV level, the bands change from yellow to pink. The Swedish company Intellego Technologies plans on releasing different sensitivity levels, because people react differently to UV exposure: some people can tolerate more while others can tolerate less. Of course, you’ll still want to use sunblock and not just rely on the wristband to protect your skin.

uv sensing wristband intellego sweden leg

The wristbands are supposed to be pretty cheap when they are released, so there’s no excuse anymore for getting all red from your last excursion to the beach. They will be available starting spring 2013.

[via DVice]