LeapFrog Announces LeapBand – Wearable Tech for Kids

LeapFrog LeapBand for KidsLeapfrog doesn’t want to leave anyone out of the latest wearable tech trends and has unveiled a smartwatch for kids called the LeapBand. The device is designed for children from 4-7 years old and features an activity tracker while taking care of a virtual pet.

The LeapBand is water-resistant with a high-res color display, built-in accelerometer to track activity, a rechargeable battery and also has a watch in either analog or digital mode. Kids wear the smartwatch to take care of one of eight different digital pets – dog, panda, cat, monkey, robot, dragon, unicorn, or a penguin. The device encourages healthy activity using the accelerometer to track challenges giving to them such as jumping, wiggling, hopping, etc. where they earn rewards and treats to care for their pet.

The LeapBand from LeapFrog comes in colors of blue, green and pink, and will retail for $39.99 later this fall.
