Plastc Wants to Be Coin with More Features and a Real Release Date

Remember Coin? If you didn’t pre-order it, you may or may not remember the singular card that could take on the information of all your credit cards and rewards cards. If you did, the very word “coin” probably makes you furious, because you’re still waiting for your cool new device. Now, you have the chance to drop even more money on another device that’s promised to come to you soon. The difference is that this one is even more ambitious.

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Plastc doesn’t just emulate any card with a magnetic strip, but it also features NFC, Chip and PIN, and barcode capabilities so that this one card can truly be the one card to rule them all, one card to find them, one card to bring them all, and in the wallet bind them.

The device can even emulate a workplace access card. All of those features are disabled until the user selects a card, however, to prevent theft. The Plastc Card can also be controlled by a phone, which will alert you when you leave it behind, and even remotely wipe it if it has been lost or stolen.

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It looks way better than carrying my annoyingly thick wallet alongside some keys, a phone, and a pocket knife.

[via Plastc]