Contort Power is a Flexible Power Supply

contort power Contort Power is a Flexible Power Supply
Add flexibility to your outlets with Contort Power. This portable power supply may look simple but it has a number of great versatile features packed into a small package. First off it has a pair of USB ports as well as an AC outlet. It hangs neatly and out of the way right on the wall next to the outlet. The plug is smartly angled at 45 degrees so the Contort doesn’t block any other outlets.
contort power closeup Contort Power is a Flexible Power Supply
It’s great for traveling because it has built-in cord management- just wrap your cords around the outside. There’s an indicator light in the center to confirm you are charging. The AC outlet offers integrated surge protection. Great for on-the-go, you can power up 3 devices at once and hold the cords in your bag. That’s pretty much everything you could ask for in a portable power strip.
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Contort Power is a Flexible Power Supply

Plug Out Plug Organizers

plug out Plug Out Plug Organizers
Got a lot of things plugged into one outlet? Get organized with Plug Out Plug Organizers. You can’t always have a giant surge protector at every crowded outlet in your home and you’re probably tired of hanging upside down looking under your bed, couch, or table to find that rogue charger cord. The Plug Out sticks via non-marking adhesive right below a power outlet and keeps your unplugged cords in place. Simple, effective. You get a set of two (either black/white or lime/orange) for under $8.

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Plug Out Plug Organizers