Rice Krispie Treat Mos Eisley Cantina: a Hive of Sugar and Villainy

The Rice Krispie Treat Mos Eisley Cantina. It is a wretched hive of sugar, scum and villainy. And an amazing geek work of art. It was made by TK Peggy, obviously a geek and a pastry artist. Just like the real cantina, this place is a droid free zone, which is why R2 and C-3PO are standing outside.

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Other details include Han shooting first, the famous Cantina band, even that guy who got his arm cut off by a lightsaber. It is everything a geek could want and when you are done marveling at it, you can eat it and leave these patrons without a watering hole.

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It is all Rice Krispie treats and snickerdoodles arranged on a foundation of styrofoam covered with masking tape. It is both beautiful and tasty. (Other than the styrofoam and masking tape part.)

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[via That's Nerdalicious]