Robots with Emotions

Pepper the robotSoftbank CEO Masayoshi Son, unveiled a new robot that can decipher emotions and make people smile. The robot, named Pepper, goes on sale in Japan in Feburary for about $1900.

Pepper has voice recognition capabilities and has a dozen sensors that can feel anything from a touch on the hand to a pat on the head. It also has huge puppy dog like eyes that help him express his emotions to his owners. He can sing, dance and tell jokes as well. Pepper learns from human interaction and behaviors. Those experiences are then uploaded to the cloud for other units to use.

The robot stands 4 feet tall, weighs approx 62 pounds and has fully articulated arms and hands that move in a human like manner. His battery life is said to last around 12 hours and he has a flat tablet display on his chest.

Son said that he will introduce Pepper in two of his stores in Tokyo tomorrow, and then hopes to have them rolled out to the rest of his stores in Japan in the coming months.

Via USAToday