Quadruped robot can pick up cigarette butts on beaches

You’re walking along a beautiful beach when your senses are suddenly marred by cigarette butts just lying along the sand. Anyone who has ever visited the beach has probably had that experience as these are among the most common trash we see lying around. Using humans to clean it up is of course the most practical but it can be a tedious and slow process.

Designer: Dynamic Legged Systems at the Italian Institute of Technology

In this age of robotics, we can of course get them to clean this up. VERO or Vacuum-cleaner Equipped Robot is one such device that has been developed for this very purpose. It is a dog-like quadruped robot that uses vacuum nozzles on its feet and is equipped with depth cameras and uses a neural network. It is based around the the AlienGo robot from Unitree.

The vacuum is mounted on the back of the robot with hoses going down the legs and with 3D-printed nozzles that can suck the butts as near the ground as possible without the robot toppling over. It is able to use the depth camera mounted on the robot’s chin and the neural network to not only detect the butts but also to chart a path towards and around it.

The VERO is tested not just on sand but also on stairs and uneven surfaces in Genova where the lab is located. It is not that quick yet but is still better than humans manually picking up butts since the latter will eventually get tired and fed up. There may be other potential use cases for a robot like this like inspecting cracks in buildings and bridges, placing nails and rivets, and even spraying weeds in crop fields.

The post Quadruped robot can pick up cigarette butts on beaches first appeared on Yanko Design.

Retrofuture Revelations from Japan: A Journey Through Time and Imagination

Retrofuturism, a captivating blend of past visions and future possibilities, has long fascinated the human imagination. It represents a unique genre where artists and designers, with their ingenuity, envision what the future might look like from the perspective of their own time. This concept shines brightly in the extraordinary illustrations from Japan between the 1930s and 1960s, a period rich in creativity and innovation. These illustrations are images and windows into a world of unlimited dreams and super-charged imagination.

Via Dark Roasted Blend

Human-Powered Flying Machine

The human-powered flying machine is a captivating vision of eco-friendly personal transportation. This design leverages human energy for flight, merging the simplicity of a bicycle with the exhilaration of flight. The Japanese text in the illustration reads, “空を駆ける夢の自転車” (A dream bicycle that runs in the sky). This phrase captures the essence of a time when the sky was not the limit but the beginning of endless possibilities. The machine’s sleek, aerodynamic form suggests a lightweight construction essential for actualizing such a concept.

In today’s world, advancements in lightweight materials, battery technology, and AI-assisted flight controls bring this dream to reality. Innovations like the eVTOL (electric vertical takeoff and landing) aircraft and drone technology reflect this vision. The focus on sustainability and individual mobility aligns well with current trends in transportation innovation. This concept’s emphasis on human power also highlights a growing interest in reducing carbon footprints, making this design a likely candidate for future development.

Versatile Ground Vehicles

The ground vehicles featured in these retrofuture illustrations showcase the imaginative engineering of that era. The Japanese text describes them as “どんな道も走破する万能車” (All-purpose vehicles that conquer any road). This encapsulates a vision of vehicles that can navigate any terrain, from rugged mountains to smooth highways, with practicality and ease. The robust and rugged designs focus on durability and adaptability, essential traits for exploration and practical use.

Modern advancements in autonomous driving technology, AI-driven navigation systems, and robotics make such versatile vehicles a reality. Companies are developing all-terrain vehicles equipped with sophisticated sensors and AI to handle various environments autonomously. These innovations are revolutionizing industries like construction and exploration and have potential applications in everyday commuting, especially in remote or challenging terrains. These designs’ blend of functionality and futuristic aesthetics points to a future where versatility and technology are seamlessly integrated.

Space Station Platforms

One of the most inspiring elements of retrofuturism is the vision of space station platforms as self-sustaining habitats. The Japanese text “宇宙に浮かぶ未来の都市” (Future cities floating in space) suggests a future where humanity has extended its reach far beyond Earth. These illustrations depict vast, intricate structures designed to house human life, showcasing a blend of advanced technology and architectural innovation. The idea of living in space, with self-sustaining ecosystems and AI-managed operations, reflects an ambitious and forward-thinking outlook.

Today, this vision is inching closer to reality with the International Space Station (ISS) and planned lunar and Martian colonies. AI and robotics play crucial roles in maintaining these habitats, ensuring safety, and optimizing resource management. These advancements are paving the way for long-term human presence in space. The concept of space station platforms represents not just a technological leap but a monumental step in human evolution, opening new frontiers and possibilities for future generations.

Sleek Futuristic Watercraft and Weaponry

The sleek futuristic watercraft and weaponry illustrated in these retrofuture visions highlight a perfect fusion of aquatic design and advanced technology. One notable design is the “Aribird S,” described in the Japanese text as “水中を駆ける未来の船” (A future boat that runs underwater). This phrase captures the essence of an era that dreamed of high-tech performance and adventure seamlessly integrated into everyday life, with an aesthetic appeal that intrigues the viewer. These designs’ vibrant colors and dynamic forms reflect an aesthetic that values functionality and visual appeal.

These watercraft are envisioned with advanced propulsion systems and streamlined bodies, capable of high-speed travel and maneuverability. In today’s world, innovations in maritime technology are beginning to mirror these designs. Concepts like hydrofoils, autonomous underwater vehicles, and advanced naval vessels are becoming more common. These illustrations’ emphasis on sleek, aerodynamic shapes and cutting-edge technology indicates a future where high-tech performance and adventure are the norm.

“Mighty Patrol” Car

The “Mighty Patrol” car presents a vision of futuristic law enforcement that combines sleek design with advanced communication systems. The Japanese text refers to it as “未来のパトロールカー” (Future patrol car), suggesting a high-tech vehicle designed for efficiency and speed. The streamlined body, advanced lighting systems, and integrated communication technology reflect an era that envisioned law enforcement as a blend of technology and efficiency.

Integrating AI, drones, and advanced surveillance systems will likely make such vehicles a reality as technology evolves. Modern police vehicles incorporate some of these elements, with AI-driven data analysis, real-time communication networks, and enhanced mobility features. The “Mighty Patrol” car embodies the future of policing, where technology plays a central role in maintaining order and safety, improving the effectiveness of law enforcement agencies.

Advanced Fighter Jets and Space Vehicles

The depiction of advanced fighter jets and space vehicles in retrofuture illustrations showcases a future of aerial and space combat marked by speed, agility, and advanced weaponry. The Japanese text “空を支配する未来の戦闘機” (Future fighter jets that dominate the sky) reflects an ambition to achieve superiority in both air and space. Sleek, aerodynamic shapes, advanced propulsion systems, and futuristic weaponry characterize these vehicles.

With advancements in aerospace engineering, AI, and unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), these designs are nearly becoming a reality. Modern fighter jets incorporate AI for enhanced decision-making, stealth technology, and advanced weapons systems. Similarly, space vehicles designed for defense and exploration are becoming more sophisticated. These illustrations’ relentless pursuit of technological superiority highlights a future where control of the skies and space is paramount.

Amphibious Vehicles

The amphibious vehicles, blending automotive and nautical design, offer a glimpse into the future of versatile transportation. These vehicles are depicted as capable of traversing both land and water, reflecting a vision of seamless transition between different terrains. The Japanese text, “陸と水を行き来する万能車” (All-purpose vehicle that moves between land and water), captures the innovative spirit of these designs.

In modern times, the development of multi-terrain vehicles and amphibious transport solutions is gaining momentum. Concepts such as amphibious cars, boats with wheels, and versatile rescue vehicles are becoming more practical with materials and propulsion technology advancements. The sleek designs and robust capabilities of these retrofuture vehicles suggest a future where transportation is as adaptable as it is innovative, addressing the needs of diverse environments.

Circular Cities and Underground Worlds

These illustrations’ circular cities and underground worlds represent a visionary approach to urban planning. The Japanese text, “地下に広がる未来の都市” (Future cities expanding underground), suggests a rethinking of how space is utilized in urban environments. These designs feature vertical integration, subterranean spaces, and advanced transport systems, reflecting an ambition to create efficient and sustainable living spaces.

With increasing interest in sustainable and efficient use of space, concepts like vertical integration and underground cities are gaining traction. Modern urban planning explores the potential of building downwards and upwards to maximize space use, reduce environmental impact, and enhance livability. The futuristic architecture and integrated transport systems in these illustrations reflect a holistic approach to city living, where innovation addresses the challenges of urbanization.

Flying Saucers

The depiction of flying saucers, such as the “Gakushiyu,” captures the imagination with its promise of advanced air travel. The Japanese text reads, “空飛ぶ円盤” (Flying saucer), evoking images of sleek, circular aircraft capable of vertical takeoff and landing. This vision reflects an era that dreamed of conquering the skies with revolutionary designs.

While the exact design of these flying saucers may differ, the concept of vertical takeoff and landing (VTOL) aircraft is becoming a reality with developments in drone technology and electric vertical takeoff and landing (eVTOL) aircraft. Companies invest heavily in urban air mobility solutions, envisioning a future where flying cars and air taxis become commonplace. These flying machines highlight the future of urban air mobility, where the sky is no longer the limit but a new frontier for innovation.

Multi-Wheeled Explorer Vehicle

With its robust design and versatile capabilities, the multi-wheeled explorer vehicle is a vision of future exploration vehicles. The Japanese text describes it as “探検用の多輪車” (Multi-wheeled vehicle for exploration), indicating a design built for navigating diverse and challenging terrains. The vehicle’s numerous wheels and durable construction suggest a shape that reflects advanced engineering, while including multiple rockets hints at the vehicle’s formidable combat capabilities. This illustration captures the thrill and intensity of air combat, inspiring visions of high-stakes dogfights in the skies.

The Amphibious Supercar: Versatility Redefined

With its sleek, futuristic design, the amphibious supercar showcases a vehicle capable of traversing land and water. This concept blends the luxury and speed of a sports car with the adaptability of an amphibious vehicle. With its bold lines and dynamic composition, the illustration highlights the car’s ability to transition between terrains seamlessly. The vibrant colors and detailed rendering emphasize the vehicle’s innovative features, symbolizing versatility and cutting-edge technology.

The Quirky Dinosaur Transport

We’ll end with this image featuring a quirky yet functional dinosaur-shaped transport vehicle. With its playful exterior and practical interior, this design combines imagination with utility. The vehicle’s dinosaur form, complete with a drill in its mouth and a cockpit for passengers, suggests a future where transport is efficient but also fun and engaging. The whimsical design and detailed features make this vehicle memorable, reflecting a future where creativity and practicality go hand in hand.

More to come…

The continued exploration of these retrofuture illustrations from Japan offers a captivating glimpse into the boundless creativity and imagination of the past. Though conceived decades ago, these visions still inspire us today, reminding us of the endless possibilities. Stay tuned as we delve further into the world of the retrofuture, uncovering more hidden gems and fantastical designs that shaped the dreams of yesteryear.

The post Retrofuture Revelations from Japan: A Journey Through Time and Imagination first appeared on Yanko Design.

Chinese researchers test smallest solar-powered drone that can fly as long as it gets sunlight

A major problem with tiny flying drones, referred to as micro aerial vehicles (MAVs), is that they cannot fly for a very long duration. Especially the MAVs weighing under 10 grams, as such micro vehicles can only stay airborne for about 10 minutes. Using sunlight as a constant power source could provide a solution to keep such bird-sized drones afloat and flying longer.

However, it’s not as simple as sticking a solar panel on the wings. Traditional propulsion systems used in micro aerial vehicles aren’t very efficient at making appropriate use of generated solar power. Moreover, these tiny drones can’t carry much payload, making them inconsistent and unworthy in support operations, search, and rescue.

Designer: Beihang University

The CoulombFly, a small, ultra-efficient drone powered by static electricity was introduced as a solution to the abovementioned problem by scientists at Beihang University in Beijing, China. The super-small drone uses a special propulsion system that can lift to a decent height while using very little power for the same. The vehicle itself weighs just 4.21 grams – which is extremely lightweight – has a wingspan of 20 cm, and can carry a payload of roughly 1.59 g.

According to the researchers, CoulombFly is about ten times smaller and weighs 1/600th the weight of the previous, smallest and lightest solar-powered aerial vehicle out there. Dubbed then as the smallest and lightest solar-powered aerial vehicle, it is small enough to sit on the palm and is engineered to fly indefinitely while the sun shines on its wings. Mingjing Qi professor at Beihang and the lead of the project says he doesn’t want to settle for this size of the drone. “My ultimate goal is to make a super tiny flying vehicle, about the size and weight of a mosquito, with a wingspan under 1 centimeter,” Qi notes.

Unlike the previous tiny aerial vehicles that rely on electromagnetic motors and generate power using electromagnets; CoulombFly uses an electrostatic field to produce motion. With a mass of 1.52 g, electrostatic motor can generate lift-to-power efficiency that’s twice or even thrice that of traditional MAV motors. The electrostatic motor of the tiny drone comprises two rings: the inner ring is a spinning motor with 64 carbon fiber slats covered with aluminum foil, while the outer ring has eight alternating pairs of negative and positive carbon fiber electrode plates also bonded with foil. When the CoulombFly is exposed to sunlight, the outer ring with its 16 plates generates electric fields. Since each electrode plate is embedded in aluminum brushes, these brush against the rotor slats on the inner ring spinning the propeller and lifting the drone up until the sun is shining on it.


The post Chinese researchers test smallest solar-powered drone that can fly as long as it gets sunlight first appeared on Yanko Design.

iRobot’s newest cleaning machine is the first to wash and dry its mopping pad for you

iRobot unveiled its most advanced and expensive robot vacuum yet on Tuesday. The (deep breath) Roomba Combo 10 Max Robot + AutoWash Dock automatically washes and dries the mopping pad, something you had to do manually on all its previous combo vacs. But at $1,399, many customers will want to wait several generations for the feature to trickle down to models that don’t cost nearly the equivalent of a MacBook Pro.

Cleaning robots exist to automate tasks that are a pain for us, and the Roomba Combo 10 Max Robot expands on that. iRobot says the dock, which contains “premium antimicrobial materials,” can empty its dirt into an enclosed bag, refill the mopping solution tank and clean itself after each pad wash. You can manually run self-cleaning, and its companion app will remind you when it’s time for standard maintenance or a deeper cleaning.

The robot can store dirt and debris for up to 60 days before emptying, and the mopping pad and self-cleaning tank hold up to seven days of water. At least in theory, the Combo 10 Max leaves less work for the user than any other Roomba before it.

A Roomba on a kitchen floor.

iRobot says the new Roomba can seamlessly transition from vacuuming carpet to mopping floors, automatically boosting its suction power when it detects carpets. It can then move back and forth with consistent pressure and deeper scrubbing when it senses that it’s time to mop.

The combo vacuum is designed to retract its entire mopping system when it reaches carpet, “lifting its mop pad to the top of the robot to keep even high-pile carpets fresh and dry.” Meanwhile, it can vacuum and mop simultaneously on hard floors.

While other Roomba models have been able to sense particularly messy areas, the Combo 10 Max adds a camera to “visually pinpoint dirt on the floor.” The company claims this allows it to recognize the dirtiest spots up to eight times more frequently, making multiple passes on those areas more efficiently.

Like other models, the robot cleaner can map your home, but iRobot says it can do so seven times faster than other models while automatically labeling each room type. Its software can even use past cleaning information to predict each room’s cleanliness, proceeding accordingly.

Exploded view of the Roomba Combo 10 Max's internals, against a black background.

The robot works with Alexa, Siri and Google Assistant, and iRobot expects it to be Matter-enabled by the end of 2024. That should cover just about every type of smart home. Of course, it includes the company’s memorably branded Pet Owner Official Promise (P.O.O.P.). It provides a free device replacement if the robot accidentally plows through pet waste and ruins your day.

The Roomba Combo 10 Max is available for pre-order today on iRobot’s website in the US and Canada. (It’s also available to reserve in Europe and will launch there in “the coming months.”) However, as marvelous as the technological cleaning wonders sound, its $1,399 cost of admission prices it out of everything but the most well-heeled homes.

This article originally appeared on Engadget at https://www.engadget.com/irobots-newest-cleaning-machine-is-the-first-to-wash-and-dry-its-mopping-pad-for-you-110100150.html?src=rss

iRobot’s Roomba Combo Essential robot vacuum and mop is on sale for $200

The iRobot Roomba Combo Essential vacuum and mop hybrid robot is on sale for just $200. That’s a discount of $75 and one of the best prices we’ve seen on this particular model. This version just came out back in April, so a sale this significant (outside of Prime Day) comes as something of a surprise.

This is squarely a budget-friendly entry in the company’s lineup of robot vacuums, but it’s certainly no slouch. As the name suggests, it can handle both vacuuming and mopping duties, which is always nice. The company says this model actually outperforms the popular Roomba 600 Series, with 20 times more suction power.

It boasts a similar smart navigation algorithm as other iRobot vacuums and offers a robust battery life of 120 minutes. That’s certainly long enough to both vacuum and mop an entire home, with time left over to chase the cats around. Like most of the company’s vacuums, there’s an affiliated app that lets people customize various settings and set up cleaning schedules.

There’s one major downside, though this is true of most robovacs in this price range. There’s no dedicated waste bin so you’ll have to stay on top of emptying and cleaning the vacuum yourself. I own a budget-friendly robot vacuum and have never found this to be a huge deal. The emptying process takes under a minute, though you do have to do it after every cleaning session.

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This article originally appeared on Engadget at https://www.engadget.com/irobots-roomba-combo-essential-robot-vacuum-and-mop-is-on-sale-for-200-151836301.html?src=rss

This Prime Day deal brings the Essential Roomba robot vacuum and mop down to its lowest price yet

The Roomba Combo Essential was already pretty budget-friendly to begin with, but you can now get the 2-in-1 robot vacuum and mop for $85 less than its retail price of $275 in a Prime Day deal. The robot vacuum is currently on sale for $190 as part of this year's Amazon Prime Day festivities, and it's a great discount — as well as a record low — for a model that was released a mere three months ago.

When iRobot announced the Roomba Combo Essential, it said the vacuum-mop hybrid outperforms the Roomba 600 Series and has 20 times more suction power. This model is 25 percent better at picking up dirt from hard floors than the Roomba 600 Series, iRobot said, and it has a longer battery life. Its smart navigation system can clean your house in rows — for up 120 minutes — and its app will let you set cleaning schedules, so the Roomba can do its job even if you're not home.

The robot can even return to its charging station by itself when its battery runs low, so you don't have to worry about having to plug it in when you come home. When you are home, you can start a cleaning session anytime either by tapping the Clean button in the iRobot Home app or issuing a voice command via Alexa, Siri or Google Assistant. 

If you don't really need a mop and just want a regular robot vacuum, you can get the Roomba Vac Essential Robot Vacuum instead. It has the same features as the Combo Essential and will only set you back $160, which is the lowest price yet for a device that usually goes for $250. 

Your Prime Day Shopping Guide: See all of our Prime Day coverage. Shop the best Prime Day deals on Yahoo Life. Follow Engadget for Prime Day tech deals. Hear from Autoblog’s experts on the best Amazon Prime Day deals for your car, garage, and home, and find Prime Day sales to shop on AOL, handpicked just for you.

This article originally appeared on Engadget at https://www.engadget.com/this-prime-day-deal-brings-the-essential-roomba-robot-vacuum-and-mop-down-to-its-lowest-price-yet-113051271.html?src=rss

RoboGrocery is the first step towards robots packing our grocery

When I first encountered a self-checkout system in IKEA a few years ago, I sort of panicked because I didn’t know what to do. But after experiencing it and eventually figuring things out, I thought this was such a convenient way to do your shopping, especially if you want to keep social interactions at a minimum. Now if only there was a also a self-packing system since the packing up groceries stuff is the most difficult.

Designer: MIT CSAIL

Eventually, this can of course come true and one step towards a system like this is the RoboGrocery. This was developed by MIT’s CSAIL department and uses a soft robotic gripper together with computer vision to help you bag groceries and other small items. It’s still in its early stages of course but seeing how it’s working at this time seems pretty promising.

They tested it out by placing 10 objects on a grocery conveyer belt, ranging from soft items like grapes, crackers, muffins, bread to the more solid ones like cans, meal boxes, and ice cream containers. The vision detects the size of the item to determine the order of placing it in a box. The grasper, with the pressure sensors in its fingers, then determines whether the item is delicate and should not be placed at the bottom of the bag.


While we’re still a few steps away from actually having a robot to bag your groceries, it’s an interesting first step towards that. Eventually, after it becomes available for commercial use, they might also be able to develop this for industrial spaces like recycling plants and factories.

The post RoboGrocery is the first step towards robots packing our grocery first appeared on Yanko Design.

The Morning After: Google’s greenhouse gas emissions climbed nearly 50 percent in five years due to AI

Google’s greenhouse gas emissions spiked by nearly 50 percent in the last five years, due to data centers required to power artificial intelligence, according to the company’s 2024 Environmental Report. The report shows the company’s progress towards meeting its self-proclaimed objective of becoming carbon neutral by 2030 – despite this additional challenge. 

Using AI features (let alone training the models) uses a lot of energy. In 2023, researchers at AI startup Hugging Face and Carnegie Mellon University found that generating a single image using artificial intelligence can use as much energy as charging a smartphone. 

Google has a lot of AI projects on the go. Alongside the likes of Gemini, generative AI tools, it's using the technology to add over 100 languages to its translation services. And there's also the rumored AI chatbots.

According to the report, Google said it expects its total greenhouse gas emissions to rise “before dropping toward our absolute emissions reduction target,” without explaining what would cause this drop.

– Mat Smith

Meta is changing its policy for the most-moderated word on its platforms

How Apple redesigned its Photos app around customization

A new Resident Evil game is in the works from the director of Resident Evil 7

​​You can get these reports delivered daily direct to your inbox. Subscribe right here!


The Alphabet-backed startup Cavnue has started constructing the smart highway as part of a new pilot project for smart highways. The new smart road is one long tracking system, designed to inform both Michigan’s Department of Transportation (MDOT) and drivers about potential issues ahead, It's hoped that the project will help relieve traffic congestion and even prevent accidents. The pilot program of the highway is located between Ann Arbor and Detroit, Michigan, with future plans to extend the smart highway to 40 miles in six more phases that would connect to both cities.

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With a US ban of its hyper-popular drones increasingly likely, DJI has been diversifying into something very different. Enter the Avinox Drive, an e-bike motor system that will go up against dominant players like Bosch and Shimano. The Avinox system, on paper at least, appears to out-spec some popular systems from those rivals, thanks to the lower weight, extra torque and higher-capacity batteries. DJI however won’t be making bikes, so let’s see how it fares. The system will first appear with a new bike brand called Amflow, which is launching the new PL model weighing in at 19.2kg (42 pounds) — on the low-end for electric mountain bikes (eMTBs).

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The latest title to join the Netflix Games roster is a modern remake of Minesweeper, ancient timekiller on ‘90s Windows PCs. The classic PC puzzle game has been reimagined with an international setting, tasking the player with very literally looking for underwater mines

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This article originally appeared on Engadget at https://www.engadget.com/the-morning-after-googles-greenhouse-gas-emissions-climbed-nearly-50-percent-in-five-years-due-to-ai-111514346.html?src=rss

The Morning After: Google’s greenhouse gas emissions climbed nearly 50 percent in five years due to AI

Google’s greenhouse gas emissions spiked by nearly 50 percent in the last five years, due to data centers required to power artificial intelligence, according to the company’s 2024 Environmental Report. The report shows the company’s progress towards meeting its self-proclaimed objective of becoming carbon neutral by 2030 – despite this additional challenge. 

Using AI features (let alone training the models) uses a lot of energy. In 2023, researchers at AI startup Hugging Face and Carnegie Mellon University found that generating a single image using artificial intelligence can use as much energy as charging a smartphone. 

Google has a lot of AI projects on the go. Alongside the likes of Gemini, generative AI tools, it's using the technology to add over 100 languages to its translation services. And there's also the rumored AI chatbots.

According to the report, Google said it expects its total greenhouse gas emissions to rise “before dropping toward our absolute emissions reduction target,” without explaining what would cause this drop.

– Mat Smith

Meta is changing its policy for the most-moderated word on its platforms

How Apple redesigned its Photos app around customization

A new Resident Evil game is in the works from the director of Resident Evil 7

​​You can get these reports delivered daily direct to your inbox. Subscribe right here!


The Alphabet-backed startup Cavnue has started constructing the smart highway as part of a new pilot project for smart highways. The new smart road is one long tracking system, designed to inform both Michigan’s Department of Transportation (MDOT) and drivers about potential issues ahead, It's hoped that the project will help relieve traffic congestion and even prevent accidents. The pilot program of the highway is located between Ann Arbor and Detroit, Michigan, with future plans to extend the smart highway to 40 miles in six more phases that would connect to both cities.

Continue reading.

With a US ban of its hyper-popular drones increasingly likely, DJI has been diversifying into something very different. Enter the Avinox Drive, an e-bike motor system that will go up against dominant players like Bosch and Shimano. The Avinox system, on paper at least, appears to out-spec some popular systems from those rivals, thanks to the lower weight, extra torque and higher-capacity batteries. DJI however won’t be making bikes, so let’s see how it fares. The system will first appear with a new bike brand called Amflow, which is launching the new PL model weighing in at 19.2kg (42 pounds) — on the low-end for electric mountain bikes (eMTBs).

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The latest title to join the Netflix Games roster is a modern remake of Minesweeper, ancient timekiller on ‘90s Windows PCs. The classic PC puzzle game has been reimagined with an international setting, tasking the player with very literally looking for underwater mines

Continue reading.

This article originally appeared on Engadget at https://www.engadget.com/the-morning-after-googles-greenhouse-gas-emissions-climbed-nearly-50-percent-in-five-years-due-to-ai-111514346.html?src=rss